How to refresh and reload (with ajax?) order checkout panes and order calculation independent from commerce cart refresh (e.g. billing address change)
I have following problem: During checkout, my customer has to fill in his billing address (at least at the first time) to calculate VAT rate and gross price. Further calculation is done via an order processor after that. So far it works fine. My problem is, that the... read more
How check NodeAccessControlHandler::createAccess access?
I’ve a very weird problem with node/add access path on a D9.3.x site. If I give to a custom role the permission Article: Create new content the user can access that page. However, if I give the same permission for a custom bundle – e.g. Author: Create new... read more
Duv Geechie
#Duv Geechie #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Duv Geechie Who are you? Plain and simple I the motivate the strugglers. Even though I am a product of my city so I'm diverse as well. But my main message is that we all struggle and can over come with dedication and... read more

How can I programmatically add or remove a new request_path to block visibility?
It seems like I could utilize the getVisibilityConditions method on the block, which returns a ConditionPluginCollection object with a setInstanceConfiguration method, which is apparently easy enough to use, requiring $request_path and $configuration arguments. But,... read more
Adding sequence item to configuration
I have a configuration item in my custom module, part of which is a sequence, basically I’m attempting to create something akin to an array of items my_module.schema.yml my_module.settings: type: config_object label: ‘Configuration’ mapping:... read more

Form API Conditional Form Fields: Change the state of a checkboxes field type
I know how to use conditions with Form API for fields like textfield, checkbox etc. For example, showing or hiding a field when a checkbox is checked: $form[‘lorem’] = [ ‘#type’ => ‘checkbox’, ‘#attributes’ => [... read more
Fresh Beats
#Fresh Beats #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Fresh Beats Who are you? Fun, Exparimentive Where are you from? Pretty bland. Im from London Ontario How can we follow you? Soundcloud and others down the road Song Title: Boom Listen to Fresh Beats: Source:... read more

Views contextual filter, can you add more than one ‘has taxonomy term’ with different validation/share rules?
I have a View that grabs the current node, and looks at taxonomy on the node page as a contextual filter argument. I want one vocabulary to require shares any terms (OR), and I want another to share all terms (AND). However, if I add a second contextual filter, I get... read more
Drupal 9: Migrate CSV to Content Type with Paragraphs
I’m trying to import a CSV File into Content Types and Paragraphs, using Migrate module (and mainly this tutorial : https://mtech-llc.com/blog/charlotte-leon/migration-csv-data-paragraphs). For this I have created a custom module in modules/custom, and I added... read more
Help with Views Field Plugin
I am trying to make a views field plugin that provides some additional functionality to a field for me. I am having issues with it. I have an entity type called an lms_request. It has numerous bundles inside of it. When using the custom ‘views field... read more

#DeathClaws #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: DeathClaws Who are you? I have been into music since childhood. I started with singing and playing piano but now I am more into electronic sounds and produce beats. Where are you from? I am from India. Hip Hop is not very... read more