How can i get the fields of a view which has contextual filter inside views_view_field hook in drupal 9?
I have a drupal 9 site. I have a parent view A and a child view B. I am using views_field_view contrib module in order to pass an id from view A to view B. I have added a contextual filter in B to get this id from A. I want to fetch this id in my views_view_field hook... read more
Use HTTP_REFERER within a twig template
I have a FAQ page with five nested bootstrap 5 accordions and I need to have one accordion item or another open depending on the page the user is coming from. I tried using this: {% set previousURL = app.request.headers.get(‘referer’) %} but I get nothing.... read more

How to convert hook_entity_property_info_alter in Drupal 8 or 9? [duplicate]
I am trying to convert Drupal 7 custom module to Drupal 9. I came across the function hook_entity_property_info_alter(). How can I convert or migrate this function to Drupal 9? read more
Shadyboi Rarri
#Shadyboi Rarri #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Shadyboi Rarri Who are you? Cocky but able to back it up movements only made by the greatest Where are you from? I'm from Houston Texas we're movements are only made by the greatest How can we follow you?... read more

Trapbaby Juan
#Trapbaby Juan #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Trapbaby Juan Who are you? Outstanding Where are you from? Atlanta and excellent How can we follow you? Instagram @trapbabyjuan Song Title: Rockstar Listen to Trapbaby Juan: https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/Uw1oGA4tYn9T8oZL9... read more

Paulie Walnuts
#Paulie Walnuts #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Paulie Walnuts Who are you? For the first few years of this journey ive been on , I was only thinking about being a artist . December 2018 a year befor covid I decided to Chase down my Music Production Degree . I enrolled... read more
#LiLTAYTAYOFFICIAL4kt #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: LiLTAYTAYOFFICIAL4kt Who are you? I’m a young artist and i upload songs every week. Where are you from? I live in Ohio. It’s more like Pop, Hip pop, rap. How can we follow you? I have a Youtube account but it’s not... read more
Shemar Childs
#Shemar Childs #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Shemar Childs Who are you? I could describe myself by saying that I am beyond frequencies you could even comprehend, until the day the universe decides to give u and i the time to bond on more and then. I like to test my... read more