Creating links in D9 TableSelect rows
I’ve created a module which defines a Form, but when I try to add a column of links, it is empty when I set the ‘#type’ to ‘link’. I am testing this on Drupal 9.3.x. On the surface, this is the same as this question, but the answer posted... read more
D7 – Views title field returning ' where apostrophe should be?
I have a series of fields on a View. For some reason, any node title field with an apostrophe in it is being returned to my endpoint as: Jen’s Cupcake Store instead of Jenn’s Cupcake Store Any idea how I can fix this? Been at it for a few days now and I... read more

#Monstarrdavee #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Monstarrdavee Who are you? I’m a universal artist that makes wide genre of music I produce I write im a jack of all trades Where are you from? Nyc hip hop brb trap drill How can we follow you?... read more
Can paragraph fields in a node be sorted?
I have a node content type with a paragraph field with multiple values. The paragraph has a date and a text field. When I display the node, I’d like to sort the paragraph values by date. I’ve tried doing this in twig with the sort filter to no avail. Can... read more
Elliot Houston
#Elliot Houston #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Elliot Houston Who are you? I’m a guitarist and producer. Recently I’ve been working on some electronic/hip-hop/ambient beats. Where are you from? I’m from Atlanta. Really cool music scene with all types of genres. How can... read more
K.Bee Wonder Wilde
#K.Bee Wonder Wilde #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: K.Bee Wonder Wilde Who are you? I would describe myself as an emotional multi diverse artist who can do anything and kill it . Where are you from? Martinsburg, WV Music scene is very grand out here. A lot of people... read more

#Kayteefresh #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Kayteefresh Who are you? Songwriter and a rapper Where are you from? I'm Kaytee Fresh from Maseru Lesotho and im doing Amapiano music. How can we follow you? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLvQAmN4/... read more
#RealMuZick #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: RealMuZick Who are you? I am a music producer working with artists from all over England Where are you from? Hi I'm from Manchester England and the music here is booming at the moment there's alot of artist on there... read more

Tiktok factsfromplug
#Tiktok factsfromplug #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Tiktok factsfromplug Who are you? New and upcoming. Where are you from? I make drill beats. How can we follow you? https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/Cr8TX Song Title: Scooby Doo Drill Beat Listen to Tiktok factsfromplug:... read more
Folkland (Folkland Los, Lemar French)
#Folkland (Folkland Los, Lemar French) #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Folkland (Folkland Los, Lemar French) Who are you? I would describe myself as being multifaceted, I produce, write, record, direct and shoot/edit. I like to explore the limits of genre and fusion, be... read more
Installing console with php 8
I’m trying to install Drupal Console into a Drupal 9 installation, and get a php compatibility error: % composer require drupal/console –prefer-dist –optimize-autoloader –sort-packages –no-update … drupal/console[v1.9.0, …,... read more
Custom Simple Action after updating a node
I am trying to create a simple way to execute certain actions on the database every time when I update a node. I have been looking at Drupal’s Action module, however I can’t find any good manuals explaining how to use it. The ECA module works as a... read more