

#jaygan #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: jaygan Who are you? Jaygan is an artist who relay relatable topics trough his music . Where are you from? I'm from Jamaica is a clustered music scene but on high demand How can we follow you?... read more


#Modderstyle #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Modderstyle Who are you? Mijn teksten is de kunst. Als ik een beat aanzet. Ga ik luistern naar de melodie. Schrijf ik water er het beste in het verleden. Verder ben ik creatief. Kan redelijk dansen en entertainen het publiek... read more


#DeeMillán #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: DeeMillán Who are you? Definitely not made to fit in but still influence the masses. I create art in and outside music as a form of expression. Because words are sometimes harder to voice out than expected I make music for those... read more
tr1zzy f4sh0

tr1zzy f4sh0

#tr1zzy f4sh0 #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: tr1zzy f4sh0 Who are you? I think I’m different from the lyrics to flows and creativity Where are you from? I’m from Pretoria The music is trap party type of vibe How can we follow you? tr1zzy_f4sh0 : instagram Song Title:... read more


#ilytwelve #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: ilytwelve Who are you? Extremely Versatile, I’ll hop on anything and everything Where are you from? I’m from Fresno Ca and the music scene is actually strong. Although there isn’t much difference in the styles it’s all crazy... read more
FNO Guwop

FNO Guwop

#FNO Guwop #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: FNO Guwop Who are you? Dedicated and consistent. Where are you from? I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio, and I'm one of the few active artists here. How can we follow you? linktr.ee/guwop556 Song Title: Minute Maid Listen to... read more
AJAX in a plugin form results in "The specified #ajax callback is empty or not callable."

AJAX in a plugin form results in "The specified #ajax callback is empty or not callable."

I have a configuration form for a Condition plugin I want to have ajax in. When selecting from this field, I want to get a list of displays for that View: public function buildConfigurationForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $form =... read more
DA Crow

DA Crow

#DA Crow #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: DA Crow Who are you? Very talented i just go hard Where are you from? Houston tx hip hop How can we follow you? Soundcloud Song Title: Let's throw a party Listen to DA Crow: https://soundcloud.com/user/letsthrowaparty Source:... read more
DA Crow

DA Crow

#DA Crow #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: DA Crow Who are you? Very talented Where are you from? Houston How can we follow you? Soundcloud Song Title: Nightmares Listen to DA Crow: https://soundcloud.com/user/nightmare Source: https://supremepr.us/ www.supremepr.us... read more
YM Threes

YM Threes

#YM Threes #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: YM Threes Who are you? I’m intuitive and versatile on every beat I deliver 🥶 Where are you from? Oklahoma City OK, the music scene is mainly trap rap , street music , and country How can we follow you? Song Title: YM –... read more
AJAX in a plugin form results in "The specified #ajax callback is empty or not callable."

How does importing a contrib module’s translations work?

Drupal version: 9.3.13 Basically, I’m trying to understand how using a contrib module’s translation works. I want to be able to download and use the translations from the Drupal infrastructure, and can’t seem to get this to work. I have a site with... read more
Future Coffins

Future Coffins

#Future Coffins #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Future Coffins Who are you? I made the type of music that I always want to hear. Music that draws in elements from many genres to create a controlled chaos that has many up and downs emotionally. Where are you from? My name... read more


#Fastmoneyjay #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Fastmoneyjay Who are you? Catchy lyrics bar for bar trap emo love songs rockstar songs and hip hop songs Where are you from? Hip hop trap sound How can we follow you? Instagram lolrwn_fastmoneyjay Facebook Johnathan Honore... read more
AJAX in a plugin form results in "The specified #ajax callback is empty or not callable."

How to get parameter from dynamic route in route subscriber

I am trying to restrict access for non admin users on structure->menues so that they can’t create any new links there. Now they asked me if for the special menu "Focus" they could have the "Add Link" feature re enabled. I can get the... read more
AJAX in a plugin form results in "The specified #ajax callback is empty or not callable."

DivisionByZeroError: Division by zero

i’m facing an issue with webform, i have a field of computed twig like this : {{ ( (data.montant_du_vehicule – data.montant_de_l_apport) * 0.026 / 12 ) / ( 1 – (1 + (0.026 / 12)) ** (- data.duree))}} which equal 0.0 with default values:... read more
AJAX in a plugin form results in "The specified #ajax callback is empty or not callable."

Drush 10 not finding drupal root

I am trying to update a drupal 8 site to drupal 9. It is on Godaddy with cpanel. I had to bring it up to the latest 8.x version before going up to drupal 9. I am using composer to manage the dependencies. As part of this I updated drush to v10. Drush has suddenly... read more
Is it possible to not have to clear the caches every time a twig template file is edited in development?

Is it possible to not have to clear the caches every time a twig template file is edited in development?

I’ve got "cache" set to false in service.yml – but I still have to clear the Drupal caches for each template change I make. This is obviously time-consuming if you’re doing some trial and error testing. Is there a way to bypass the template... read more
Grant access of a field to the emails written in email field instead of roles and usernames (Drupal 9 webform)

Grant access of a field to the emails written in email field instead of roles and usernames (Drupal 9 webform)

As you can read in the title, I would like to grant access of a field to emails filled in the email field (field name: submitted_to_) instead of selecting a role or typing the specific Users usernames, since it is purely depending on the filler. Can we achieve this in... read more


#Meisfi #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Meisfi Who are you? I try to give authentic sound out even though I'm trapping songs out my bedroom, haven't found a studio yet but I'm waiting for an invitation. Hip Hop and R&B are my favorite forms of music to... read more
Unable to add newly created term to the node

Unable to add newly created term to the node

I want to add new taxonomy term to group of nodes that have specific terms already. To retrive them I use this function function getNodesByTaxonomyTermIds($termIds){ $termIds = (array) $termIds; if(empty($termIds)){ return NULL; } $query =... read more