Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

I’ve the next form. $query = “SELECT name, tid FROM taxonomy_term_data WHERE vid=2 AND language = ‘$language_url’;”; $result = db_query($query); foreach ($result as $row2) { $options2[$row2->tid] = t($row2->name); }... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

how to bypass video conversion for mp4 files?

I am using the Video module on my site, and would like a would like to bypass video conversion and a user uploads a file in MP4 format. Is there any way that the bypass video conversion? The reason for this is that due to the high volume of video submissions, and the... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

Updating a module field schema

I’m currently working on a project created by someone else. I have a textfield called “city”. Currently the maximum limit is 255 characters. I want to update the maximum character to be 100. Looking at the code, it looks like the field was created... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

Field collection item not visible to anonymous user

I have a field collection, ‘related content’, that displays inside the ‘page’ content type tpl. It is a ‘field’ in the page content type. It works perfectly fine while logged in as admin, but cannot be seen by the anonymous users.... read more
Workbench Access field cannot be used for access control

Workbench Access field cannot be used for access control

I have set up Workbench Access and Workbench Moderation and it is working in creating revisions for the Main Page Content section but when I go to add additional fields using the Workbench Access control field checkbox, I cannot enable the field and a message displays... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

Print specific page of a paged node

I am using Print module to print a Drupal node. Recently users have asked the ability to print a node in form of individual pages. For example if a paged ‘Drupal’ article spans on 5 pages, user wants the ability to print only 2nd page. I tried to analyze... read more
Form returned from AJAX callback missing JS and CSS

Form returned from AJAX callback missing JS and CSS

I have a form set up like this: function mymodule_form_{my_form_id}_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { $form[‘actions’][‘submit’] = array( ‘#type’ => ‘submit’, ‘#value’ =>... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

Simple webform with payment module

what I need do is not an ecommerce site. On my drupal website I need a simple web form with a payment (by paypal) and a node reference field prepopulated (by the entity refence and entity reference prepopulate modules). The scenario is this: I have a content type... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

Cloned node entity reference field stay in sync with parent node

I have three content types A, B and C. A have entity reference fields to B and C. I create a Node of type A say a1. When i clone a1 node as a2 with node clone module i get the same value for entity reference fields in a2 same as a1. In a2 i can change the entity... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

How do I add onclick Google Analtyics custom event "add to cart" to add to cart button in Drupal Commerce?

I want to fire a Google Analytics custom event called “add to cart” when someone adds a product to the cart. I am using classic Google Analytics, not Universal. I tried adding this to the commmerce_add_to_cart_confirmation.js:... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

Send data with post to other drupal page not working

I’m trying to send data from a html form to another drupal page. The Form (in JavaScript): var data = { // JS Object with data to send priceUnit: ‘131.97’, priceTotal: ‘131.97’, priceCount: ‘1’, articleNumber:... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

Programmatically modifying global custom text field in view

I have a (Apache solr) view with a Global: Custom text field in addition to my normal fields. This field is meant to get value from a custom function/existing field/passing an existing field to a custom function and using return value in one of my modules per each... read more
Problem with menu position module

Problem with menu position module

I have a menu like this: In the first sidebar you see the main menu with links. The second sidebar is a block that is visible on pages that begin with stocklijst/. The link in the first sidebar links to the first link in the second sidebar. So the menu items both have... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

How to hide profile2 field label and captcha label in registration form

I’ve tried using 2 different functions, where both successfully sets the value to ‘invisible’ with a dsm($form) check. However, the label is still being displayed. function MYMODULE_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { switch... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

Display custom URLs for individual tabs of quick tab

I need to display seperate URL(Deep linking) for individual tabs in a quick tab. I found a javascript fix in this link . The URL that is displayed has the quicktab name and tab number. It looks something like /test-quicktab-page?qt-test_quicktab=2. I need a more... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

cmis configuration alfresco cloud

I’d like to use the Alfresco Cloud ECM with my Drupal instance. I created an alfresco site. I installed and activated the CMIS module. Here is my configuration script: $conf[‘cmis_repositories’] = array( ‘default’ => array(... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

Two displays with an exposed filter

I have a view using one exposed form in a block with a couple exposed filters. I would like the same result set to be used in two displays that have a slightly different format. One of my exposed filters is not being “remembered” from one display to the... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

Drop Down Menu in Alphabetic Order

I have a Drupal Website and a few Drop Down Menus in there which comprise of a list of products. However , the list of products does not appear in alphabetic order. I tired “reset to alphabetical” for setting them in alphabetical order, but it did not work... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

Taxomony menu – show all, vocabulary link are disabled

I have a custom vocabulary which looks something like this: Shops (vocabulary name) Sporting Goods Auto Parts Computers Etc. (15 items in total, 1 level) My goal is to create a menu link to Shops and a drop-down sub menu that lists different types of shops (example... read more
Save selected values from a checkbox into a field

set multiple taxonomy values programmatically

I have a view that has a “Has taxonomy term ID” contextual filter and also a nid contextual filter. I execute this view programmatically, but I need to pass also multiple values for the taxonomy contextual filter. I tried this:... read more