I’d like to use the Alfresco Cloud ECM with my Drupal instance. I created an alfresco site. I installed and activated the CMIS module. Here is my configuration script:
$conf['cmis_repositories'] = array( 'default' => array( 'label' => 'cmis.alfresco.com', 'user' => 'my_alfreso_cloud_username@example.de', 'password' => 'my_alfreso_cloud_password', 'url' => 'https://cmis.alfresco.com/cmisatom' ), );
I only find these lines to configure the module. Then I added a CMIS field to my content type. When I add a new node then there is an error:
Notice: Undefined index:
(line 123 of D:InetpubSK1913sitesallmodulescmiscmis_fieldcmis_field.module).
I cannot find any other configuration forms (beside the root path setting).
What am I doing wrong? Does this module work with the alfreso cloud solution? I don’t want to install alfreson on my server until I know how to use it, or even if I use it…