So I am trying to get this drupal(drupal845.localhost) site accessible by my VM. But the Trusted Host Settings are not working.
Here are the settings in my settings.php
$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = array( '^drupal845.localhost$' '^.+.drupal845.localhost$' '^192.*.*.*.drupal845.localhost$', );
I have another drupal(drupal.localhost) site on the same machine and the trusted host patterns work. This is what I have in my settings.php for trusted host patterns:
$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = array( '^drupal.localhost$' '^.+.drupal.localhost$' '^192.*.*.*.drupal.localhost$', );
Why does it work on the drupal.localhost but not on drupal845.localhost
Also to note is I have .localhost masked to I have to specify the port because windows is using 80 so my WSL(Ubuntu) Apache server I set to use 8080. They both work without the ip specification as well.