I am working on a site with one special page layout (lets call it originally “two columns”), which has basically two columns: The left one showing page contents and the right one an unlimited number of paragraphs.
There is still one problem:
1) The twig tries to show also the paragraphs in the end of left column not following the without-filter. If I show the field title (content type Manage display) it shows the title in the bottom of the left column but no other output is generated of the field_aside paragraphs
2) I can’t get the right column to show anything from the field_aside, whatever I try.
The crucial code comes here (the best idea what to do so far, tried a multitude of alternatives with zero results)
<div class="column is-three-quarters left-aligned main-area""> {{ content.body }} </div> <div class="column is-one-quarter left-aligned aside-area"> Aside... {{ bamboo_render_field('field_aside', 'node') }} </div>
The page is using a Bulma based theme but I’d reckon it has nothing to do with the problem.
I have Bamboo Twig and Bamboo Twig Loaders enabled.
The field_aside should render the corresponding paragraph texts. wbr