I have a json file full of data exported from a wordpress site, one field being a string representing a date and time: “03/15/2012 14:46:19”. I would like to import that string into a date and time field of a drupal 8 content type.
I am using a Migration from Source YML file.
fields: - name: date label: 'Date' selector: date
Then in process:
process: field_press_release_date: date # is it as easy as this?
Is there a special plug in I’m not seeing listed on: https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/api/migrate-api/migrate-process-plugins
I see format date, but couldn’t get any format to work. I have complete control over the format of the date string, I have to do some processing of data from wordpress before drupal so I can do pretty much whatever is needed, if it really is as easy as setting the date_field to the date_string from the fields list, what format does date_string need to be in?
I cannot find a simple example of importing a string into a date and time field, thank you for any assistance!