I’ve made a custom module for Drupal 6 that has a custom form, which works perfectly.
I’ve tried to add the form in a block using the following code.
function mymodule_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) { switch ($op) { case 'list': $blocks[0]['info'] = t('BLOCK INFO'); return $blocks; case 'view': $blocks['content'] = drupal_get_form('mymodule_form'); return $blocks; } }
I can see the block in the admin page, and I can move the block to the different regions and everything seems to work, except for a list of warnings I get every time I change the region of the block.
warning: Illegal string offset ‘region’ in blockblock.admin.inc on line 101.
warning: Illegal string offset ‘status’ in blockblock.admin.inc on line 101.
warning: Illegal string offset ‘status’ in blockblock.admin.inc on line 102.
warning: Illegal string offset ‘weight’ in blockblock.admin.inc on line 103.
How can I fix these warnings?
I think these warnings happen because block.admin.inc is trying to access a non existent key (“region”, “status”…etc). How can I remove said warnings? I have looked into some threads but their solutions have not worked for me.