I have question about translation of taxonomy terms in Drupal 8. Let’s assume this configuration:
New created vocabulary, vocabulary language – not specified, terms language – not specified, show language selector, enable translation.
With this config, I should be able to translate new created taxonomy terms, if I select specific language while creating one. So I create taxonomy term in English language. Then I go and translate that term by clicking the “translate” tab in this term. I fill all values and save the form. Term is now translated to another language.
And now comes the difference – when I do the same approach with content, in content overview I see all nodes – original, and also translated. When I do this with taxonomy terms, in vocabulary listing I see only taxonomy term which was created first (so in my example the English one) – see the image.
How can I achieve the same behaviour as in content listing? I am expecting, that all terms will be listed here (as in content overview), or at least, when in specified language, terms with this language set should be shown (e.g. in English only links in english translations, if they exists). Taxonomy terms and nodes are all entities, so I would expect the same behaviour while translating them… Or is this a bug?