I have a vocabulary set up called (for example) “Produce”. And it has parent terms like “fruit” and “vegetable”. Child terms are like “banana”, “apple” and “cucumber”, “squash”.
Whenever I create a new node about fruit or vegetables, I use a content type that I created. In this content type, I have a field set up called “field_produce_and_name”. So when I create a new “Fruit” page, called “papaya”, I also create “papaya” as a child taxonomy term to “fruit”. And I set the field field_produce_and_name to “papaya”.
When someone is viewing the “papaya” page/node, I would like a sidebar menu list to display the titles of other “fruit” nodes. That is, a list of nodes that share the Parent taxonomy term as “papaya”.
I have tried using the contextual filter “Content: Has taxonomy term ID (with depth)” but it still isn’t working 🙁
I also think that maybe I need to add a relationship, but am unsure how/which one.
Any ideas?