I would like to GET JSON data from drupal 8 custom entity. I am using ubuntu 14.04 and vagrant. For that i have done these steps.
I have taken reference to Create drupal 8 custom entity from this link.
Enable this modules:
- HAL – Core module
- HTTP Basic Authentication -Core module
- RESTful Web Services – Core module
- Serialization – Core module
- Restui – Contributed module
RESTui Configuration:
- redirect to admin/config/services/rest
- Enable content_entity_example_contact entity
GET Settings done for custom entity
Permissions given for Rest full web services
Postman Plugin is integrated in to chrome. below settings is done for postman.
Above steps i have done to GET JSON from custom entity but getting error in postman. Any suggestion or starting point will help for me.
Interestingly when i perform similar steps for drupal 8 node entity i am able to GET JSON data.