We have a site with numerous paragraphs, one of which is a Call-to-action, comprised of a title, summary and a link field (machine name: field_link).
The CTA is used so much that to change the word ‘Enquire’ to ‘Inquire’ for when we are on a US translation (en-US in url) would require the paragraph been edited manually for every content page that has a us translation would be a monumental task.
As such I’ve decide to attempt to simply handle this in the paragraph preprocess hook. The original idea was simply to check if we were in a us translation, then check for the word in the field_linl title and change it if needed, as per my snippet below.
/* Translation modifier: * The call to action paragraph is used on almost all pages and translations * doesn't work with paragraphs at all. So we need to detect if we are in a US * translation and change out the spelling of certain words. */ if($paragraph_type == 'call_to_action'){ if(is_us_translation()){ $cta_link = $paragraph->get('field_link'); $cta_link->list[0]->values['title'] = 'Inquire'; $paragraph->set('field_link', $cta_link); // $paragraph->values['field_link']['x-default'][0]['title'] = 'Inquire'; } }
The commented out line was my other attempt.
My problem though is nothing I have tried seems to manage to change the title of the field. Is there a specific way to change this?