I have a menu path which rendered User Registration Form. The problem is I did hide fields like “Email”, “password” and “status” by setting #access to FALSE
. It is not working.
When I have done the same thing in hook_form_alter()
, it does work.
This is my code.
/** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function MY_MODULE_menu() { $items['admin/author/create'] = array( 'title' => t('Author'), 'page callback' => 'MY_MODULE_author_form', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access callback' => TRUE, ); return $items; } /** * Author form. */ function MY_MODULE_author_form() { drupal_set_title('Create Author'); // Getting User Register Form $form = drupal_get_form('user_register_form'); // Change Username to Author Name $form['account']['name']['#title'] = 'Author Name'; // Exclude User Registeration Elements $form['account']['mail']['#access'] = FALSE; $form['account']['pass']['#access'] = FALSE; $form['account']['status']['#access'] = FALSE; // The path to which the form will be submitted. $form['#action'] = url('admin/people/create'); return $form; }
I think I can alter the form in MY_MODULE_author_form()
Is there anything wrong with my code?