How do I use the Yoast SEO Module for Drupal on-site SEO?

Install and Enable the Yoast SEO Module

  1. Install the Yoast SEO module on your server.
  2. Go to the Extend page: Click Manage > Extend (Coffee: “extend”) or visit in your browser.
  3. Select the checkbox next to “Yoast SEO for Drupal” and click the Install button at the bottom of the page.

Configure the Yoast SEO module

  1. Click Manage > Configuration > Development > Yoast (Coffee: “yoast”) or visit in your browser.
  2. Configure the Yoast SEO module to work on the appropriate Content Types as shown above.
  3. Click the Save button.

Using the Yoast SEO module The Yoast SEO module adds functionality to your node edit screens.

  1. Create a new blog posting by visiting in your browser (Coffee: “blog”).
  2. Fill out the form to create the new content. As you get down the page, you’ll see a drop-down section called Yoast SEO for Drupal. Fill in the field Focus keyword with your chosen keyword for this page and the Yoast SEO module will analyze your content.
  3. The Snippet editor shows you what your listing will look like in Google. To fix the Google search snippet, click on each line.
  4. Use the “SEO title” field to update your HTML title tag. (Same as going to Meta tags > Basic tags > Page title on a node.)
  5. Use the “Slug” field to update the URL alias. (Same as URL Path Settings > URL alias on a node.) C. Use the “Meta description” field to update the meta description tag. (Same as going to Meta tags > Basic tags > Description on a node.)
  6. Fix any issues you find in the Content Analysis section of the Yoast SEO section. As you fix those items, the indicator will turn green.
  7. Be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
  8. Repeat steps 1-5 for every node. Start with the most important ones!