How do I use the Scheduler Module for Drupal on-site SEO?

Install and Enable the Scheduler Module

  1. Install the Scheduler module on your server.
  2. Go to the Extend page: Click Manage > Extend (Coffee: “extend”) or visit in your browser.
  3. Select the checkbox next to “Scheduler” and click the Install button at the bottom of the page.
  4. You may get the message “Some required modules must be enabled” and “You must enable the Actions module…”. If you do, click the Continue button.

Configure the Scheduler module

  1. Go to the Scheduler module admin page by clicking Manage > Configuration > Content authoring > Scheduler (Coffee: “sch”) or visit in your browser.
  2. Configure the Scheduler module:
  3. You can leave the Date format setting at the default; however, since I’m from the USA, I prefer to change up the date and time formats. If you’re like me then in the Date format field, enter “n/j/y g:ia” (without quotes). This setting will give you a formatted date that looks like this: 10/15/16 3:52pm.
  4. Select the checkbox Allow users to enter only a date and provide a default time. C. Set the Default time to 10:15:00. That way, if a time is not specified, it will default to this time, in this case, 10:15 A.M., which is a good time to publish business content. 3. Click the Save configuration button.
  5. Go to the Content types admin page by clicking Manage > Structure > Content Types (Coffee: “content types”) or visit in your browser.
  6. Next to your first Content Type, open the drop-down menu next to Manage fields and click Edit.
  7. Click the Scheduler tab and select the Enable scheduled publishing for this content type and Change content creation time to match the scheduled publish time options.
  8. Click the Save content type button at the bottom of the page.
  9. Repeat steps 4-8 for the Content Types that need scheduling.

Using the Scheduler module

To use the Scheduler module, set the publishing date when you create a new piece of content and then click the Save and publish button. The content will be published on the next Cron run after the date and time you specify. The newly saved content will look something like this: