How do I use the Linkit Module for Drupal on-site SEO?

Install and Enable the Linkit Module

  1. Install the Linkit module on your server.
  2. Go to the Extend page: Click Manage > Extend (Coffee: “extend”)
  3. Select the checkbox next to “Linkit” and click the Install button at the bottom of the page.

Configure the Linkit module

To use the Linkit module, you need to enable it, select the profile, add it as a filter, arrange the filters in the proper order, and a couple of other settings. Please follow these steps carefully:

  1. Visit the Linkit admin page at (Coffee: “linkit”).
  2. Click the “Edit profile” link next to the Default profile.
  3. Click the “Manage matchers” tab. Then, click the Edit button next to the Content matcher.
  4. Here, you can select which types of content will show up in the link selector. Leave all of the checkboxes unchecked to include all content types.
  5. You can also allow links to unpublished Nodes. Be careful, though, that you’re not linking to content that Google or your visitors cannot see.
  6. If you made any changes, click the Save changes button at the bottom of the page.

How do I Configure Text Formats to use the Linkit module for Drupal SEO?

  1. Go to the Manage > Configuration > Content Authoring > Text Formats and Editors (Coffee: “text”) or visit in your browser.
  2. Note which text formats use the CKEditor. (CKEditor is the default WYSIWYG editor in Drupal). Click the Configure button next to the first one.
  3. Next to “Roles”, assign the roles that can use the Linkit module.
  4. Scroll down the page to see the “CKEditor plugin settings” set of vertical tabs. Click on the Drupal link tab.
  5. Select the checkbox next to “Linkit enabled”. The “Linkit profile” field will appear. For the “Linkit profile” field, select “Default”.
  6. Scroll down a little more and select the checkbox next to “Linkit filter” under “Enabled filters”.
  7. Scroll down to “Filter processing order”. Drag “Linkit filter” to the top of the list.
  8. Under Filter settings > Linkit filter, make sure the checkbox next to “Automatically set the title attribute to that of the (translated) referenced content” is checked. This setting will put an SEO-friendly “title” element on the link.
  9. Under “Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML” you will see a field called “Allowed HTML tags”. Put your cursor in this field and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll to the right until you find the link element . Make sure that “title” is part of the element. If not, add a title to the element. It will look something like this: “”. (bold added)
  10. Click the Save configuration button at the bottom of the page. 11. Repeat steps 3-10 for each of the Text formats that use the CKeditor. These steps will probably work if you’re using a text editor other than CKeditor, too. Always click the Save configuration button after each one.

How do I use the Linkit module to add links to Drupal nodes?

The Linkit module replaces the built-in linking mechanism in your WYSIWYG editor. Select text in the node you’re editing and click the link button.

  1. Open a node and click the “Edit” tab or create a new node.
  2. Select some text that you wish to link. Click the link button.
  3. In the modal window that opens, start typing the name of a node that you are linking to. As you type, a list of matching nodes will appear. Select the node that you want to link to.
  4. The text that is displayed as the link will show up as something like: “entity:node/102”. This is an internal Drupal link and will always resolve to the node path—which is an SEO-friendly, keyword-rich link. Click the Save button.
  5. Your newly added link will appear as blue and underlined. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save and keep published button (or Save and publish if it’s a new node.)
  6. View the source HTML of the node you just edited and find your link. You’ll see that it is using the proper, SEO-friendly path and it has used the title of the node that you linked to as the link title. While it can prove tedious to configure the first time, Linkit module provides useful functionality for your website’s content creators.