How do I use the Easy Breadcrumbs Module for Drupal on-page SEO?

About the Easy Breadcrumbs module, The Easy Breadcrumbs module uses the current URL (path alias) and the current node title to automatically create breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs are those essential navigational elements that show visitors where they are on a website. They look something like this:

Breadcrumbs help your Drupal on-page SEO by revealing the hierarchy in your content. Google loves hierarchy because it helps them understand your content. Visitors love hierarchy, too, because it helps them figure out your site’s organizational structure.

Install and Enable the Easy Breadcrumbs Module

  1. Install the Easy Breadcrumbs module on your server.
  2. Go to the Extend page: Click Manage > Extend (Coffee: “extend”) or visit in your browser.
  3. Select the checkbox next to “Easy Breadcrumbs” and click the Install button at the bottom of the page. There are no separate permissions required for the Easy Breadcrumbs module.

Configure the Easy Breadcrumbs module

  1. Click Configuration > User Interface > Easy Breadcrumbs (Coffee: “breadcrumbs”) or visit breadcrumb in your browser.
  2. Configure the module as demonstrated in the screenshot above: a. Select the checkbox next to “Include invalid paths alias as plain-text segments”.
  3. Select the checkbox next to “Include the front page as a segment in the breadcrumb”.
  4. For the “Title for the front page segment…” field, use something more descriptive than “Home”. You could use your company name or experiment with using a keyword that describes your website, service, or product.
  5. Select the checkbox next to “Include the current page as a segment in the breadcrumb”. This gets your title on the page again which is useful for keyword optimization.
  6. Select the checkbox next to “Use the real page’s title when available”, which will use the page title instead of the URL for the last (right-most) breadcrumb.
  7. Click the Save configuration button at the bottom of the page.

Easy Breadcrumb module builds the breadcrumbs from the path. Each / becomes a part of the breadcrumb. The first breadcrumb comes from the Easy Breadcrumb configuration page while the title of the node becomes the last breadcrumb.