How do I use the Drupal RDF module for Drupal SEO?

Drupal 8 has RDF built-in. There’s a Core module called “RDF” that is probably already enabled (but you can check to be sure at RDF isn’t meant to be touched much. In fact, Drupal 8 doesn’t provide any mechanism for setting RDF tags to you, the marketer. To add markup to your content, you need the RDF UI module.

The RDF UI Module

Credits & Thanks Thank you to Sachini Herath (Sachini on for creating this module. Thank you to Stéphane Corlosquet (scor) who created the excellent predecessor module that got rolled into Drupal Core. Kudos!

About the RDF UI module, The RDF UI module allows site builders to integrate seamlessly during or after the site-building process on Drupal 8.

Install and Enable the RDF UI Module

  1. Install the RDF UI module on your server.
  2. Go to the Extend page: Click Manage > Extend (Coffee: “extend”) or visit in your browser.
  3. Select the checkbox next to “RDF UI” and click the Install button at the bottom of the page.
  4. There are no separate permissions required for the RDF UI module. Set schemas for your content To configure settings, you need to go to the setup page for each of your Content Types. We’ll start with Blog Postings. 1. Go to Manage > Structure > Content Types > Blog Postings (or whatever you have named your blog post content type).
  5. Select the vertical tab near the bottom of the page called Mappings.
  6. In the field type, start typing “Blog…” and then select “BlogPosting” from the type-ahead menu.
  7. Click the Save content type button at the bottom of the page.
  8. Now go to Admin > Structures > Content types ( and click the Manage Fields button next to “Blog Postings”.
  9. Click the RDF Mappings sub-tab.
  10. Select the RDF Property for each field listed and click the Save button.
  11. Repeat steps 1-7 for each of your Content Types.

*Full list of schemas: