How do I use the D8 Editor Advanced Link Module for Drupal on-page SEO?

About the D8 Editor Advanced Link Module The D8 Editor Advanced link module allows you to define title, class, id, target, and rel for links in CKEditor. This functionality helps your SEO by placing more text information about each link on the page.

Install and Enable the D8 Editor Advanced Link Module

  1. Install the D8 Editor Advanced link module on your server. (See Chapter 1 for more instructions on installing modules.)
  2. Go to the Extend page: Click Manage > Extend (Coffee: “extend”) or visit in your browser.
  3. Select the checkbox next to Advanced Link and click the Install button at the bottom of the page. There are no separate permissions required for the D8 Editor Advanced link module.

Configure text formats to use D8 Editor Advanced link module

  1. Go to the Manage > Configuration > Content Authoring > Text Formats and Editors (Coffee: “text”) or visit in your browser.
  2. Click the Configure button next to the first text type listed. This will allow you to edit the configuration options.
  3. Scroll down to the vertical tab near the bottom of the page called Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML. If that tab is not there, then skip to step 6.
  4. Under the Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML you will see a field called “Allowed HTML tags”. Put your cursor in this field and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll to the right until you find the link element . Add “title class id target rel” to the link element. It will look something like this but could vary: “”. (bold added)
  5. Click the Save configuration at the bottom of the page. 6. Repeat steps 1-5 for each of the text formats. Always click the Save configuration button after each one.

Using the D8 Editor Advanced link module when adding links to your nodes

  1. Open a node and click the Edit tab or create a new node.
  2. Select the text to be linked. Click the link image button in the editor menu bar.
  3. Open the Advanced drop-down.
  4. There are options to add a Title and Rel, and a checkbox that will open the link in a new window. Fill in appropriate fields as needed.
  5. Click the Save and keep published button (or Save and publish if it’s a new node.)