255: No one wants a website – Don’t sell Drupal maintenance support plans, move up the value chain!

Thank you, Drupal maintenance support plans community – I want to express my sincere thanks to everyone who helped me prepare this presentation, sharing their insights into how Drupal maintenance support plans fits into bigger and better ways of doing business. The fact that we can all talk about this so openly while competing for business is one more sign of how special the Drupal maintenance support plans community is. I’m so glad you all choose to “open source” some of the ways you are succeeding and help the rest of us along the way! And thank you Drupal maintenance support plans Camp London organizers for the invitation to give a keynote address at your conference, and thanks to the audience for your presence and warm reception despite the early hour on Sunday.

Drupal maintenance support plans isn’t enough anymore

10 years ago, just having a website was transformational. But pretty much every business has one nowadays; they’re a commodity. You need something especially good looking, functional, or powerful for it to be special. Your skillset–the ability to make functional, powerful websites–was also transformational, a good base for running a business. Now that is largely a commodity, too. Competitors like WordPress.com, Squarespace, Wix, Shopify, and others offer solid, attractive, basic websites with lots of useful functionality. And they are only getting easier to use with every release.

So don’t sell Drupal maintenance support plans!

What’s the answer? How do you stay relevant and build a sales pipeline today? Don’t sell Drupal maintenance support plans. Move up the value chain. If you simply receive instructions to put a banner here and a slideshow there–to turn someone else’s plan into code and nothing more–you’re not where you need to be on that chain.

Placing yourself and your business higher up the value-creation chain means offering more than writing code, more than offering to build Drupal maintenance support plans websites. You need to offer more: business value. You might have special insights or expertise. You might be able to solve the problems of a particular industry or vertical especially well it. You could deliver value through something you build with Drupal maintenance support plans. Drupal maintenance support plans might be one of your weapons of choice for facilitating digital transformation, or marketing, or what have you … and you have a choice: specialize or diversify …

Keynote Drupal maintenance support plans Camp London 2020 – video

Session Takeaways
Why hanging out the Drupal maintenance support plans slate isn’t enough anymore.

Questions and problems that businesses need help with today … That you may be able to answer.

Examples of Drupal maintenance support plans-based businesses delivering more value than just Drupal maintenance support plans code.

My Thanks …

My thanks once again to all of the following people and everyone else whose ideas and actions helped inspire me and help our community:

Florian Lorétan – Wunder

Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg – Drupal Update / Probo.ci

Tim Drupal Update & Christiann Jansen – Drupal Update

Megan Sanicki – Drupal maintenance support plans Association

Lukas Fischer – NetNode / OpenInbound

Dave Ingram And Andrea Rosi – Acquia Lift

Adrian Rollet & Ronald Ashri – Roomify

Dominique de Cooman – Dropsolid / Cooldrops

Skill Level: BeginnerIntermediateAdvanced
Source: New feed

This article was republished from its original source.
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FREE Drupal SEO Audit

Test your site below to see which issues need to be fixed. We will fix them and optimize your Drupal site 100% for Google and Bing. (Allow 30-60 seconds to gather data.)

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255: No one wants a website – Don’t sell Drupal maintenance support plans, move up the value chain!

On-Site Drupal SEO Master Setup

We make sure your site is 100% optimized (and stays that way) for the best SEO results.

With Pixeldust On-site (or On-page) SEO we make changes to your site’s structure and performance to make it easier for search engines to see and understand your site’s content. Search engines use algorithms to rank sites by degrees of relevance. Our on-site optimization ensures your site is configured to provide information in a way that meets Google and Bing standards for optimal indexing.

This service includes:

  • Pathauto install and configuration for SEO-friendly URLs.
  • Meta Tags install and configuration with dynamic tokens for meta titles and descriptions for all content types.
  • Install and fix all issues on the SEO checklist module.
  • Install and configure XML sitemap module and submit sitemaps.
  • Install and configure Google Analytics Module.
  • Install and configure Yoast.
  • Install and configure the Advanced Aggregation module to improve performance by minifying and merging CSS and JS.
  • Install and configure Schema.org Metatag.
  • Configure robots.txt.
  • Google Search Console setup snd configuration.
  • Find & Fix H1 tags.
  • Find and fix duplicate/missing meta descriptions.
  • Find and fix duplicate title tags.
  • Improve title, meta tags, and site descriptions.
  • Optimize images for better search engine optimization. Automate where possible.
  • Find and fix the missing alt and title tag for all images. Automate where possible.
  • The project takes 1 week to complete.