My question is regarding the recurring payment for drupal commerce.
I use Commerce Licence with ‘Licence role’ and Commerce Licence Billing to make my users pay for a monthly subscription.
The question I have is, how does the recurring system work?
- Does the licence Role expire after given time, but gets re-acitvated if a payment is made?
- Does the recurring payment happen automatically, or does my user have to buy a licence every month?
- Does the previous question depend on my “Payment Gateway”?
What I want to do is make my users buy a licence(Role) once, and then never have to buy a licence again. But they have to pay a monthly fee otherwise the licence will expire. So in other words the site much purchase a licence for the user in the background when the previous one expires, but charge them the monthly fee.
It’s a tedious process to go and buy a licence(role) every month to keep using the site.
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