Today I did talk to supervisor @ Apple who told me that write permission no longer exist in folder ../user/bin – sense OS 10.11 and that you not shall try to give yourself any write/read permission to that folder without hi risk to the system.
NOTE: Even the “Root”-user is prohibited rights to this folder.
Some i.e “composer” use ../usr/local/bin – folder instead – who seams to be the correct solution after OS X 10.10.
Unfortunately Drupal “official” instructions for terminal still place programs as “Sass” and “Compass”, (and other), in the incorrect folder who will give the user this ERROR: ” You don’t have write permissions for the /usr/bin directory.” after the installation.
Here is an example from Drupal site with that BAD INSTRUCTIONS (for installing SASS & COMPASS):
The bad install instructions are this two lines (p 2-3):
gem update --- system
gem install compass --pre
I suggest that someone with “permission to change” all this type of sites with incorrect install instructions, at leat set in a note of waht’s bad – and example to how to change them. correctly – So the instructions will help rather than hinder and overturning.
i.e. see this node: