I am using the Drupal Commerce module and I want to print the physical dimension fields(machine name: field_width) value on product detail page.
How can I print physical dimension fields value in node--product.tpl.php
My file code is like so:
<div id="node-<?php print $node->nid; ?>" class="<?php print $classes; ?>" <?php print $attributes; ?> > <?php print $user_picture; ?> <?php print render($title_prefix); ?> <?php if (!$page): ?> <h2<?php print $title_attributes; ?>><a href="<?php print $node_url; ?>"><?php print $title; ?></a></h2> <?php endif; ?> <?php print render($title_suffix); ?> <?php if ($display_submitted): ?> <span class="submitted"><?php print $submitted ?></span> <?php endif; ?> <div class="content clearfix"<?php print $content_attributes; ?>> <div class="c-i-rgt"> <div class="zomer_img"> <?php if ($view_mode == 'teaser') else print render($content['field_image1']); print render($content['field_width']); print render($content['product:commerce_price']); ?> </div><div class="clear"></div></div></div>