I have a simple page view (unordered list) with just one field (content: path) and one contextual filter (nid). The view isn’t displaying the right path if the language of the selected node is not the current site language.
For that reason i’ve decided to replace the query and try to get the aliased path of the selected node. I’ve used hook_views_pre_execute and already replaced the query for this view. The query already shows up in the preview section in Views UI but the result is empty now. The query works in phpmyadmin.
I can’t find much documentation about this hook. How to get my query to replace the views Path field and display the result instead?
This is my SQL Query:
SELECT ua.alias AS alias FROM {url_alias} ua WHERE (ua.source = 'node/247') LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0
This is my function from my custom module:
function views_node_path_views_pre_execute(&$view) { if($view->name == "global" && $view->current_display == "node_path_page") { $myQuery = db_select('url_alias', 'ua') ->condition('ua.source', 'node/' . $view->argument['nid']->value[0], '=') ->fields('ua', array('alias')); $view->build_info['query'] = $myQuery; } }
Just fixed it myself with hook_views_post_render from views API. I know, it’s just a dirty hack and i don’t really like it but i need this part to be working.
function views_node_path_views_post_render(&$view, &$output, &$cache) { if($view->name == "global" && $view->current_display == "node_path_page") { $result = db_select('url_alias', 'ua') ->fields('ua', array('alias', 'language')) ->condition('ua.source', 'node/' . $view->argument['nid']->value[0], '=') ->execute() ->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if($result) $output = '/' . $result[0][1] . '/' . $result[0][0]; } }