I am running a Zen subtheme for another drupal instance and it all worked fine. However, when I copied the folders across to my new Drupal instance, all I see is
The name of the site and
User menu :
My account Log out
There is no Add content link… or the administration menu along the top… also no styles are applied… I am pretty sure I changed all the site specific instances in the code (.info file etc)… What am I doing wrong?
Ok, so I can navigate through the admin menu by changing the url path… admin/appearance
I have cleared the cache, but the styles for the zen sub theme are still not being picked up and I cannot see the Add Content link on the front page.
I’ve tried changing the theme to Bartik, and it looks fine. The styles are being picked up and everything.
So why is it not working for the Zen subtheme?
In the logs, I am seeing this message:
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$prefix in system_theme_settings() (line 547 of /home/mysite/public_html/modules/system/system.admin.inc).
Does this explain the wsod problem?