There is a template file in the quiz/template/quiz-report-form.tpl.php of Quiz module. this is the code:
<?php /** * @file * Themes the question report * * Available variables: * $form - FAPI array * * All questions are in form[x] where x is an integer. * Useful values: * $form[x]['question'] - the question as a FAPI array(usually a form field of type "markup") * $form[x]['score'] - the users score on the current question.(FAPI array usually of type "markup" or "textfield") * $form[x]['max_score'] - the max score for the current question.(FAPI array of type "value") * $form[x]['response'] - the users response, usually a FAPI array of type markup. * $form[x]['#is_correct'] - If the users response is correct(boolean) * $form[x]['#is_evaluated'] - If the users response has been evaluated(boolean) */ // $td_classes = array('quiz-report-odd-td', 'quiz-report-even-td'); // $td_class_i = 0; $p = drupal_get_path('module', 'quiz') .'/theme/'; $q_image = $p. 'question_bg.png'; ?> <h2><?php print t('Question Results');?></h2> <div class="quiz-report"> <?php foreach ($form as $key => $sub_form): if (!is_numeric($key) || isset($sub_form['#no_report'])) continue; unset($form[$key]); $c_class = ($sub_form['#is_evaluated']) ? ($sub_form['#is_correct']) ? 'q-correct' : 'q-wrong' : 'q-waiting'; $skipped = $sub_form['#is_skipped'] ? '<span class="quiz-report-skipped">'. t('(skipped)') .'</span>' : ''?> <div class="dt"> <div class="quiz-report-score-container <?php print $c_class?>"> <span> <?php print t('Score')?> <?php print drupal_render($sub_form['score'])?> <?php print t('of') .' '. $sub_form['max_score']['#value']?> <?php print '<br><em>'. $skipped .'</em>'?> </span> </div> <p class="quiz-report-question"><strong><?php print t('Question')?>: </strong></p> <?php print drupal_render($sub_form['question']);?> </div> <div class="dd"> <p><strong><?php print t('Response')?>: </strong></p> <?php print drupal_render($sub_form['response']); ?> </div> <div class="dd"> <?php print drupal_render($sub_form['answer_feedback']); ?> </div> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <div class="quiz-score-submit"><?php print drupal_render_children($form);?></div>
Now I want to change this codes and I need a function to return the nid(number of id) of quiz that the user is seeing. please help me.