I have a problem with Nodejs and Rules action with node.js modules
First, I have installed node.js on my server following the README.txt instructions and then configured the node.config.js file as the sample file and had no problem connecting Drupal with node.js. But after creating a rule of new nodes, I checked messages like this in the debugger:
Started http server. info - socket.io started publishMessageToContentChannel: message { uniqid: '520d016b52adc', markup: '<div class="rules-message">n <div class="close-button"></div>n <div class="body">n <div class="subject">n TEST TITLE </div>n value of body action message </div>n</div>n', callback: 'nodejsAction', messageAuthorUid: '1', channel: 'rules_nodejs_role_2', clientSocketId: '' } publishMessageToContentChannel: message { uniqid: '520d016b52adc', markup: '<div class="rules-message">n <div class="close-button"></div>n <div class="body">n <div class="subject">n TEST TITLE </div>n value of body action message </div>n</div>n', callback: 'nodejsAction', messageAuthorUid: '1', channel: 'rules_nodejs_user_3', clientSocketId: '' } publishMessageToContentChannel: The channel "rules_nodejs_user_3" doesn't exist. publishMessageToContentChannel: message { channel: 'watchdog_dblog', commands: [ { command: 'insert', method: 'before', selector: '#admin-dblog tr:eq(1)', data: '<tr class="dblog-content dblog-notice"><td class="icon"></td><td>content</td><td>08/15/2013 - 12:27</td> <td>page: added <em class="placeholder">node 18</em>.</td><td><a href="/user/1" title="View user profile." class="username" xml:lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">admin</a></td><td><a href="/node/18">view</a></td></tr>', settings: null } ], callback: 'nodejsWatchdog', clientSocketId: '' } publishMessageToContentChannel: The channel "watchdog_dblog" doesn't exist. setContentToken: message { token: 'Xx0RmC36fXFTnyH_goIX21fP-2iDJMhTk_u-iWBpcM4', channel: 'rules_nodejs_user_1', notifyOnDisconnect: false } setContentToken Xx0RmC36fXFTnyH_goIX21fP-2iDJMhTk_u-iWBpcM4 for channel rules_nodejs_user_1 setContentToken: message { token: 'u3EbOVHjEdIiL6mlGbN8p4T5CifL2Gt-tZc2jfqfbCE', channel: 'rules_nodejs_role_2', notifyOnDisconnect: false } setContentToken u3EbOVHjEdIiL6mlGbN8p4T5CifL2Gt-tZc2jfqfbCE for channel rules_nodejs_role_2 setContentToken: message { token: '9WLPPJWOr7XlMXLYbhhiuBvMwN4Bd4o9_6exS-_cspU', channel: 'rules_nodejs_role_3', notifyOnDisconnect: false } setContentToken 9WLPPJWOr7XlMXLYbhhiuBvMwN4Bd4o9_6exS-_cspU for channel rules_nodejs_role_3
However, I couldn’t get the notifications on my browser and I don’t know if I’m missing some extra configuration for it.