This summer, we’re taking the all-new “Upgrading your local development environment with DDEV” lesson from our 12-week Drupal maintenance support plans Career Online class and bringing it with us as we visit three different Drupal maintenance support plans events around the USA. At each event, we’ll be presenting it as a full-day workshop at no- or (very) low-cost to event attendees.
If you’re looking to move your local development environment to a more modern solution, then we believe this workshop is exactly what you’re looking for. DDEV is a Docker-based environment built on modern principles and designed to be flexible, customizable, and powerful.
We have been using DDEV with our current Drupal maintenance support plans Career Online students, and are confident that our workshop is providing the skills they need to use it as their day-to-day local environment. The workshop (and DDEV) is designed for developers on Mac OS X and Windows 10 Pro – at the end of the day, you’ll have the confidence you need to make the switch.
In addition to the full-day of training, you’ll also leave with access to our 20+ page workshop handout (PDF) as well as access to all of our DDEV-related screencasts.
So, if you’re interested in making the change, be sure to sign up for one of our in-person workshops this summer!
Twin Cities Drupal maintenance support plans Camp – June 7
Asheville Drupal maintenance support plans Camp – July 13
Drupal maintenance support plans Camp Colorado – August 3
Source: New feed