Drupal 9 custom theme dependencies
I have a problem with a custom theme I created on a Drupal 9 test site: Drupal version: 9.3.13 Web server Apache 2.4.41 (xampp win64) PHP version 8.0.11 Database version 10.4.8-MariaDB custom theme professional.info.yml: name: Professional type: theme description:... read more
Method getTitle() returns an unexpected value. What causes this?
In an implementation of hook_node_insert(), I have the following three lines of code: dpm($entity, ‘entity’); $title = $entity->getTitle(); dpm($title, ‘title’); From the first dpm() I get: entity => DrupalnodeEntityNode {#1632 ▼... read more
Drupal logs full of "page not found" entries for various *.js.map files
Our Drupal 9 site is full of "page not found" warnings in the Drupal logs. All entries end in *.js.map (all map files). I cannot figure out where the warnings are coming from (what system is trying to find non-existent map files?) or how to resolve. See... read more
How to add a top-level link to the Admin menu via the links.menu and routing yaml’s
Let’s say I want to add an additional link to the admin toolbar after Reports such as Groups does. In my_module.routing.yml I have: my_module.admin: path: ‘/admin/my_module’ defaults: _controller:... read more

How to check if secondary database definition exists
Can anyone please help me on how to check if secondary database is set. If not throw an error. I am currently defining database connection as below. Database::getConnection(‘default’, ‘sqlite’) I am trying to defining a if , else condition... read more
Michael Aboujaoude
#Michael Aboujaoude #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Michael Aboujaoude Who are you? Entrepreneur that took a turn into the music industry. Where are you from? Born and raised in Los Angeles California, Background Nationality is Lebanese and American How can we follow... read more

#Heavenbound541 #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Heavenbound541 Who are you? Inspirational Christian Motivational Rapper Where are you from? Eugene Oregon Northwest Hop Hop How can we follow you? https://heavenbound541.bandcamp.com/ Song Title: God's Plan!!.. Listen... read more
Access FieldItem object from Widget
I have a custom FieldItem with a method doing a calculation on the field’s values: class MyFieldItem extends FieldItemBase { … public function getAmountInEuros() { $amount = $this->get(‘amount’)->getValue(); $currency =... read more
Selective cancellation from Watchdog
Can I selectively DELETE rows from watchdog? I have annoying errors and warnings I’m slowly getting rid of, but I would like to keep the history of user actions (create, update and delete on content). I made an experiment on my development environment and I had... read more