JSON:API authorization

JSON:API authorization

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JSON:API authorization

Issues trying to understand and debug simplesamlphp error

Simplesamlphp used to work on the site. Something changed and now it does not. The IDP remote config has been verified, including the cert The SP cert and pem in the simplesamlphp/config folder have been verified All the required settings show green on the admin page... read more
JSON:API authorization

Private tempstore storage contains data for previous anonymous user

I have an issue with private tempstore storage that I wasn’t able to solve. I’ve implemented a webform handler, which populates data in this storage and then I’m creating tokens out of the saved values. This works fine, however, when anonymous user... read more
JSON:API authorization

Getting Bootstrap Carousel to set Active class?

I have a Drupal 7 site that has 2 Bootstrap carousels. One that rotates automatically and takes up the width of the page. One that has 3 smaller items and only when the page is narrowed (e.g. on mobile device) does it need to rotate. The first carousel works fine. The... read more
JSON:API authorization

Filter views for same taxonomy term

I am using D8. I have two views (articles and videos) sharing the same taxonomy (segments). How can I filter the views based on the view type? For example, if I am on the articles page, I would need to filter only articles when I select any of the taxonomy term. Right... read more
JSON:API authorization

Creating a fallback field to load conditionally

So if I have a node type of Article. I have two fields on it: field_image field_secondary If field_secondary is being used, I’d like for that to be shown over field_image. Can anyone help point me in the right direction how I’d go about this? read more
JSON:API authorization

Update existing ‘paragraph’ entity while changing the ID is not supported

I’m trying to update a paragraph with this code: $entityManager = Drupal::entityTypeManager(); $paragraph = $entityManager->getStorage(‘paragraph’)->load(‘1’); $paragraph->set(‘field_test’,’testValue’);... read more
JSON:API authorization

Ajax callback on Views exposed form filter

I’m trying to add an #ajax callback method to my views exposed form filter select box. But it seems the form have some issues with the callback. My code is pretty simple /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for views_exposed_form. */ function... read more