how do I get the parent node of an entity reference node

how do I get the parent node of an entity reference node

I have two content types – A and B. For content type A, there are 5 content items – Aa, Ab, Ac, Ad, Ae. For content type B, I have two items Ba, Bb. Content type B has a field that is an entity reference of content type A. In a single page I have the... read more
how do I get the parent node of an entity reference node

Project directory in Ubuntu

I am trying to get Drupal 8 installed on Ubuntu 18.04. I have installed LAMP and composer. I will install Drupal 8 with this (I think this is the latest recommended way) … composer create-project drupal/recommended-project my_site_name_dir Where should... read more
how do I get the parent node of an entity reference node

Drupal http get Request for external URL?

I have to send a request to external Api that returns me the redirection page but it is printed on my side as var dump, the dump is the page it i supposed to be redirected to, any help ? Code : $url = ‘xyz’; try { $response =... read more
how do I get the parent node of an entity reference node

hook_menu_links_discovered_alter() not being called

I’m working on a theme for a Drupal 8.8 project. I’ve implemented hook_menu_links_discovered_alter() in my .theme file – but Drupal doesn’t seem to be invoking it, and I don’t understand why. (For context: my goal is to make some modifications... read more
how do I get the parent node of an entity reference node

How do I send an email from a module using an Easy Email module email template?

I am creating a form that needs to send an email upon form submission. I want to use the Easy Email module to send HTML emails. I want to send an email from my module, using an Easy Email template. How can I send an email from my custom module using an Easy Email... read more
how do I get the parent node of an entity reference node

how to display a media description in a twig template?

i want to display the media description available in the file field of a media ( media of type video, audio, image, etc…), it is an option to activate: Enable Description field The description field allows users to enter a description about the uploaded file. i... read more
how do I get the parent node of an entity reference node

How to check the Webform submission values in a twig template

I have an Webform with an option element, (option_one), with 6 options. Below this are 2 option elements with 5 and 2 options. These 2 option elements have a conditional statement to display if the correct option is selected on the, (option_one), option element. Added... read more
how do I get the parent node of an entity reference node

Using a Paragraph field value as a View filter

I am attempting to create a view and paragraph combination that allows for site authors to customize the content that they want to display. What is currently working: Within my site is the content type of Article I have a view, called News, that is set up to display... read more
how do I get the parent node of an entity reference node

I am getting an error "Notice: Undefined index: distribution_name in drupal_install_profile_distribution_name() ". How do I fix this?

I am using Drupal 7.69. I log in and go to my modules page and get the following error: Notice: Undefined index: distribution_name in drupal_install_profile_distribution_name() (line 207 of /var/www/html/includes/ According to this page:... read more