drush up fails with Unknown archive format

drush up fails with Unknown archive format

Today, I am getting an error message when I run the Drush download or update command. drush up -y captcha fails with Unable to extract /.tmp/drush_tmp_1582749966_5e56d90e14736/captcha-7.x-1.7.tar.gz. Unknown archive format. [error] When I changed the Drush temp... read more
drush up fails with Unknown archive format

How do i verify users passwords from the hash in the database without drupal core logic

I oversee a proprietary CMS with a headless Drupal back-end. We use Drupal to authenticate users, manage permissions and roles, and store HTML for almost 13, 000 pages. As our needs have grown, our custom code base has expanded, and Drupal’s role in the project... read more
drush up fails with Unknown archive format

How can I get a field in hook_preprocess_views_view_unformatted(&$variables)?

Is there a way to get a field from the view in the hook_preprocess_views_view_unformatted(&$variables)? $rows = $variables[‘rows’]; foreach ($rows as $id => $row) { // $row[‘field_name’]? } read more
drush up fails with Unknown archive format

How do I check radio buttons in Twig template?

In a form, I have this field: $form[‘payment’] = [ ‘#type’ => ‘radios’, ‘#title’ => $this->t(‘Payment Mode’), ‘#options’ => [ ‘chk’ => $this->t(‘by... read more
drush up fails with Unknown archive format

Creating a custom field with dynamic/virtual computed property value

I’m working on a custom field (Drupal 8) where the author selects a taxonomy term from defined list, but the display is of, or includes, a node that references said term. I already have a service that can retrieve the desired node based on the term id. I started with... read more
drush up fails with Unknown archive format

How can I reference previously imported media entities?

I have been trying to attach media entities to node entities in Drupal 8 with a custom migration but despite numerous attempts and countless hours reviewing forums i’m stumped – I’m desperately hoping someone can help explain where I might be going... read more
drush up fails with Unknown archive format

How to skip empty and missing values from a migration

I’m trying to skip fields that are not present in my source file or that are empty, but I keep getting “Migration failed with source plugin exception: Passed variable is not an array or object” This is what I’ve tried in YML: field_contact:... read more
drush up fails with Unknown archive format

Migrating Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 – Source Plugin Error

I am trying to migrate a Drupal 7 site to Drupal 8, however, I keep getting this error; Resolve all issues below to continue the upgrade. The d6_library_transaction plugin must define the source_module property. Not sure where to define this. I have looked in the... read more
drush up fails with Unknown archive format

How do I add an external link in a module?

I’m attempting develop a module in drupal-8 that provides a link to an external password reset system. Specifically on the login page I’d like a reset my password link that points to a link such as https://reset.my.password/ I’ve tried adding my... read more
drush up fails with Unknown archive format

{{ drupal_view(‘view1’, ‘block_2’) }} renders only when cache is cleared

I like to output 2 block-views in a template called “block–bar.html.twig”, but only when i clear the cache they are printed. (i installed Twig Tweak 8.x-2.x) This is the template: <section{{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}> <div... read more
drush up fails with Unknown archive format

Symfony’s getQueryString method doesn’t return modified query parameters

Symfony’s getQueryString method doesn’t return modified query parameters. So how should someone go about getting a modified query parameter string? Example code: $request = Drupal::request(); $parameter_bag = $request->query;... read more
drush up fails with Unknown archive format

Explicitly passing argument to local action for access check

I’m using the group module, and in a custom module I’m trying to create a local task that will bring you directly to the create page for a particular group content type. My goal is to skip the create page where you select the content type. I’ve... read more
drush up fails with Unknown archive format

mysqlnd with php7.3 on debian buster

I ma quite new to drupal . I’ve tried to install commerce 2.x on debian 10. However, php-mysqlnd is only a virtual package referring to php-mysql. there is no real mysqlnd and commerce gets stuck with this dependency. Does that mean I cannot rund commerce 2.x on... read more
drush up fails with Unknown archive format

How to implement StackMiddleware for a redirection correctly?

I’m working on a redirection (for unauthenticated users) for my Drupal 8 site. Currently, the redirection works however, the redirection persists even after user is authenticated. I found this article piece helpful to point me in the right direction:... read more