Select list in entity reference in VIews

Select list in entity reference in VIews

How to create an entity reference exposed filter in drupal 8 in Views? The only option i have is input of type text read more
Select list in entity reference in VIews

Drupal 8 Migrate Plus – CSV Row Number as key

In the Drupal 7 migrate module, you can use ‘csvrownum’ as the mapping key when migrating content from a CSV ( For the Drupal 8 version, I am not sure what the equivalent is. Here is my yml file configuration (migrate... read more
Select list in entity reference in VIews

How to load and render a webform with Ajax

I’m new on Drupal 8, and I want to make a custom module to load any webform of (webform module) on other pages of the website. The idea is to load the webform when the page load. All webform has configured with ajax submission. I don’t know how I can do... read more
Paragraph type can’t delete individual items

Paragraph type can’t delete individual items

I use Paragraph module Version: 8.x-1.5. Somehow I can’t delete individual items anymore? Is there a settings somewhere I missed? read more
Attach a simple custom handler to a Webform

Attach a simple custom handler to a Webform

I’m trying to create a custom webform handler. I’d like to be able to attach my handler to any webform and have it display the message ‘xyz’ when the (multi step wizard) form is finally submitted. I have this file in my custom module at:... read more
Select list in entity reference in VIews

Multiple URLs for same node

anyone know how to create a URL alias and not redirect the user? I have a node with its alias set to /sign-up, but I also want it accessible via /caregiver/sign-up. I created a URL alias, but it seems to just do a redirect to /sign-up. I checked the current redirects... read more
Select list in entity reference in VIews

Extend core modernizr library

I am noticing objectFit is not part of Drupal 8 core/modernizr library. How do I add objectFit detection without overriding core modernizr? read more
Select list in entity reference in VIews

How do I point to a particular installation of simplesamlphp with the simplesamlphp_auth module?

I am trying to integrate our company’s SSO into our Drupal installation. As a POC to see if it even works, I have a copy of the SimpleSAMLPhp Library located at /foo/bar/simplesamlphp. I configured my apache vhost and the SAML configs and that’s all fine... read more
Select list in entity reference in VIews

hook_views_pre_render – how to print field x after each loop

I have a grouped view that displaces content containing multiple entity references. I have a field that generates multiple times, because of those entity references. I’ve looked into modifying views-view-group.html.twig with no luck. Now I’m trying to... read more
Select list in entity reference in VIews

How to redirect user page to front page for specific roles

I want to redirect every users page to front page? like if user page url is /user/97 then it redirect to front page if user is not administrator. I want user page inaccessible to other users but only administrators. How can I achieve this? I tried doing like this:... read more
Select list in entity reference in VIews

How do I disable a fieldset?

I read How to unset fieldset in hook_form_alter? to disable fieldsets in an hook_form_alter() implementation, but it didn’t work. I tried using the following code, but neither of them worked. // First try. foreach... read more
Select list in entity reference in VIews

Webform entity select submission displaying different result than element

I have a webform in Drupal 8 with an entity select element. The element is populated from an entity reference view. I have a book content type with information about the book such as title and author. I also have a field collection in book containing more specific... read more
Views Link Display Settings Is Not Accepting External URL

Views Link Display Settings Is Not Accepting External URL

I want to add an external URL to the Views More Link Display Settings. It is also mentioned in the guide lines as well (“A Drupal path or external URL the more link will point to. Note that this will override the link display setting above.”). But it is... read more
Select list in entity reference in VIews

Drush not connecting to site’s settings.php

When I run drush –debug status in the docroot of my Drupal site, I get the following message: [user@computer]$ drush –debug status Phar detected. Proceeding to drush_main(). Loading drushrc “/home/user/.drush/drushrc.php” into... read more
Select list in entity reference in VIews

PHPUnit Testing when a custom class contains drupal calls and references other classes

Ok, I am brand new to TDD within the Drupal environment but we have been asked to try write tests where possible for our custom and/or utility/support modules. I’ve managed to write some simple PHPUnit tests, but because the classes within my module have some... read more