"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

I have Drupal 8.4 running on Windows Server 2016, and when trying to use an upload field on a content type I get this error The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file. I deleted the files... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

Error : No eligible views were found. Create a view with an Entity Reference display, or add such a display to an existing view

I cannot work out some basic stuff … what do I not correct? Using D8, distribution varbase. I would like to create a reference from one content type to antoher in D8 so a user is able to use a select box by module chosen (https://www.drupal.org/project/chosen) I... read more
How do I output the link to the content?

How do I output the link to the content?

In a view, I’ve got a field set up to output the link to the content. I’m not sure how to reference it in my views-view-fields.html.twig file. I’m referencing all of the other fields values properly as they all work, but that main anchor link just... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

Create nodes out of Webform submissions

We are using Drupal 8 and trying to solve this problem: A form shall be presented to website visitors that asks them to submit questions (in our case: concerning nutrition) and give some structured background information like the region the user comes from etc. The... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

Filter by taxonomy parent using Json api

In drupal 8.5 I have a taxonomy term list like this: Term A (12 items) Term 1 (3 items) Term 2 (8 items) Term 3 (1 items) Term B (3 items) Term 4 (1 items) Term 5 (2 items) I want to use the json api to fetch all data within term B. So I expect a result set of 3... read more
I cannot upload an image – 404 ajax error

I cannot upload an image – 404 ajax error

When I try to upload an image, image is not generating and I always get ajax error. I cannot upload an image. I get a 404 ajax error. I use Drupal 8.54 php.ini: memory_limit = 254M upload_max_filesize = 20M post_max_size = 20M max_execution_time = 90 No error –... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

Autocomplete textfield displays value when selected and not label

I have a textfield autocomplete field that shows a list of full user names and email addresses as designed but when a user is selected, the user id is displayed in the field; not the name and email address. This is the form element: $form[‘people’] = [... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

How to make a regular expression case insensitive?

I am working on a Drupal Commerce shipping rule and it needs a regular expression to compare postcodes with the buyers address as below; /^AB37|^AB38|^AB41/ I am finding this code to be case sensitive and I need it to be more relaxed allowing lowercase or mixed. I... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

How do I tell Twig not to print any form field?

I am trying to theme a form in Drupal 8. This is the template that I am using which is basically from form.html.twig <form{{ attributes }}> {{ element.app_theme_settings }} {{ element.a2 }} {{ element.a3 }} {% print remaining required form fields. %} {{ children... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

How long does it take for Drupal to unblock user after 5 failed attempts?

I’ve tried to log in unsuccessfully to Drupal and I get the following error: There have been more than 5 failed login attempts for this account. It is temporarily blocked. Does anyone know how long the waiting time is for localhost? read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

Drush cim: error "Table xyz already exists"

I’m trying to deploy a dev website to a dev server. When running drush cim on the dev server, drush ends with an error message: Table honeypot_user already exists When running drush cim again right after that, the same error comes up again for a while with... read more
Error in simplesamlphp_auth.module: no valid attribute set

Error in simplesamlphp_auth.module: no valid attribute set

I’m configuring my application as a saml provider and for this I have used simplesamlauth module. This module (simplesamlphp_auth) provides the ability to make a Drupal site into a SAML Service Provider (SP). Now while configuring this module, I’m confused... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

Docker website running locally not loading CSS

I’m completely new to Drupal, and I’m running this multi-container Drupal-Docker app locally, and website is only loading HTML, no CSS. These are the only error warnings I am getting. exception ‘PDOException’ with message ‘SQLSTATE[08006]... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

how to exclude PHPUnit based functional tests from runnning?

I am trying to run only unit test for my custom module. ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c ./web/core ./web/modules/custom/testing_example –testsuite=unit . But I keep getting the following error: There were 2 errors: 1)... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

Sub-sub Theme Not Inheriting CSS

I am trying to extend the Thunder Admin theme by creating a sub-theme in it. This is my first time making a sub-theme in Drupal 8 (other than from bootstrap starter kits). I would have thought that a basic sub-theme would have inherited the css and js from its parent... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

How to Set Hidden Form Field Values Permanently via Form Alter

I have a webform that gets some hidden form fields set based on the referring URL. Within hook_form_alter, I can successfully set the hidden values with $form[elements][NAME][‘#value’]. function MODULE_form_alter(&$form,DrupalCoreFormFormStateInterface... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

How can I sort entity type query results with pseudo values?

Is it possible to use the D8 EntityQuery condition and sort functionality to filter/sort based on the outcome of multiple fields (and possible external/3th party value) calculations? Example with condition: I want to filter the results based on the average of 5... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

Trigger redirect after Webform Remote Post Handler posted successfully

I’ve made a webform with a handler. This handler does a Remote Post towards an API. This API is actually a custom module within the Drupal install which (after some logic) passes all of the preprocessed data towards another API. When that is passed successfully... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

Trying to Conditionally Add JS File to page if in a paragraph block reference on that page

I am not sure how to accomplish this… I want to have a custom block that I have created and referenced via paragraphs to implement code in that block and push it into the header of the page. The idea is that we want to have single pages that run specific JS... read more
"The file phpC128.tmp could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred. File upload error. Could not move uploaded file."

How can I filter a result set based on a URL filter that affects an API call?

I have a View with a Rest Export display returning entities. I have a custom Normalizer class for it that crafts the object the way I want it in the response. The node entity in the response has some custom data attached to it coming from an API (think operating... read more