Dynamic filters based on another filter
I am looking to create something similar to this http://www.smartoplug.com/partsearch I need my view to sort based off of multiple parameters. So if you select ford in the make, the models dynamically change to only show models that are referenced in ford i.e. F150,... read more
How can I fix this "syntax error or access violation" error?
I am using the following code, but it throws an error. $query = db_select(‘sdk_country’, ‘f’); $query->fields(‘f’, array(‘id’,’group’)); $query->condition(array( ‘f.status’, 1,... read more
How do I get the user ID from the $user_profile variable?
How can I get the user ID and load the user with user_load() using the $user_profile variable in the user-profile.tpl.php template file? read more
How do I add classes to blocks?
I am using Drupal 8 Panels and it is working fine. The problem currently I have is, that I want to add classes to individual blocks on the panel layout page. Is there a way to add classes to blocks on panel pages?something like the Drupal 7 version of CSS properties... read more
jQuery dialog is duplicated when set on a form that uses AJAX
Im using jQuery dialog on my form. Drupal.behaviors.custom = { attach: function (context, settings) { $(‘.form-container’).once(‘form-cont’, function () { Drupal.custom.modalLinks(); }); $(‘.my-form’).once(‘my-form’,... read more
How to alter sort handler to keep existing order intact in views
I created a views page using foo plugin.When a user visit the page the city and Clinic/Hospital columns by default are being rendered alphabetically (ASC) as in below screenshot. EDIT: Let’s say for example. City is Bangalore and only for Bangalore... read more
How do I add a region to the Color module?
I have a menu I would like to be able to style with the Color module. I have found many examples for the Drupal 7 Color module and they have led me to believe that if I just add a line to the ‘fields’ array in the color.inc file in my theme I will be able... read more
How do I translate strings in Twig templates?
I am working on a (my first) Drupal 8 project witch is a multilingual site. Drupal 8 really delivers in terms of native support for content translation. However, I have a few strings set directly in some if the theme .Twig template files printed out like ex. {{... read more
Contextual filter : Override Title
The content architecture of the site which I am working on is something like:- Song – Content type Genre – Vocabulory Song has an entity reference field which points to the terms in “Genre” vocabulary. Genre field is added in the view which... read more
How can I add the Schema.org type ‘BreadcrumbList’?
I want to add the Schema.org type BreadcrumbList for my website. I have installed Schema.org module, but I’m unable to find any option there. I tried using the Easy Breadcrumbs module, but it does not have the Schema.org type BreadcrumbList. I have checked on... read more
Flood control IP bypass whitelist
I am utilising Services to open up some login resources on my site and as a result if multiple users incorrectly try to sign in the entire external website will be blocked because of flood control. Is there a way to add an IP whitelist to the flood so that there can... read more
Hide default value by view mode
I have an image field inside the content type ‘Article’. I have two view mode: “teaser” and “full”. I have a view page (‘Homepage’) showing all ‘Article’ nodes using “teaser” view mode. In the... read more
MathJax(LaTex) equation shows in the CKeditor body area but not on the final webpage?
I am using CKEditor module and have enabled MathJax option. When I use MathJax it works in the CKeditor and shows teh eqiation, but on the final display webpage instead just showing equations it is showing all code. What could be the reason and solution? read more
How to fix "GeoType" plugin does not exist
I’m following this tutorial. I’ve installed the geofield module and all needed for it wo work. I finally manage to create a content type “Place” with a field of type geofield. When i then create a new content of type “Place”, i get... read more
Why am I getting redirect to node?destination=node when trying to login?
I just moved my site to another server, and when I try to login drupal redirects to a blank page. I have no idea what can I do? Please, help me. thanks for your support. read more
What is causing Unknown field error in EntityFieldQuery API?
I am attempting to use the entity-field-query API to see if any node of referee content type has custom field that equals x. I’ve looked at dozens of code examples and references. (Included below) If it is relevant I am executing this code as a custom PHP action... read more
Using webform-form-[nid].tpl.php to change default template
On drupal 7, using webform 7.x-4.11, I am trying to modify the template of a specific webform. So, in /web/themes/bartik/templates (I am using bartik theme) I created a file named webform-form-23.tpl.php As “23” is the nid of my webform. But the template... read more
Content type migration using the Feature module?
We have to upgrade Drupal 6 site to Drupal 7. We know that we can use migrate module for importing Drupal 6 content. But I’d like to know if we can use Features module for importing content types, taxonomies and blocks from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7? read more