hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

Need some help with Inline Entity Form hook function hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter. I’m trying to add columns to the table that is visible when editing a specific node. I have been able to add fields and got the content to print too, but I need to... read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

Use twig to style a specific block (unformated list)

I have a block showing a unformated List of fields. Now I would like to use twig to style that block. I am able to use block–views-block–blockname-block.html.twig to do the outer styling. But I could not get the fields out of the content. read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

How to programmatically check a view to test if it has any results?

What’s the most lightweight way to test if a view has any results in it or not? I have a system which creates links to various views, but if the view has no results I want the link to be greyed out. I can only think to load the whole view and execute it, but... read more
Disable delete button on a view under certain conditions

Disable delete button on a view under certain conditions

I’m very new to Drupal 7. I have an administration screen created in Views to edit/delete my custom content type called events. In my custom module, I’d like to disable the delete button under certain conditions. Is there any hook that I can use for this... read more
Add a link field to block form

Add a link field to block form

I’ve created a module with a custom block that extends BlockBase. To the block form I added multiple textfields and select boxes, by simply specifying the formatter in the ‘#type’ configuration. My next step is to add a button that links to... read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

How to get menu tree from a node to build a customize breadcrumb?

I would like to build a custom breadcrumb based on node relation from entity reference. For example there is a book node that has menu hierarchy: Book |-chapter 1 |–sub chapter 1.1 |—sub sub chapter 1.1.1 |—-#Node with different content type and not... read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

Redirecting Pages from Standard Node page to views page

How can I redirect all of my nodes created by a content type to a views page with a different url? For example, I created content types for publications and then have pathalias creating a url for a created node: publications/form-one I am then using views to reformat... read more
I am stuck with the upgrade

I am stuck with the upgrade

I am upgrading a site from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7, following the instructions here: https://www.drupal.org/node/570162 When running update.php it gets stuck on the first step ‘Updating user module’ at 0%. I’m wondering if this might be because the site... read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

Override a node page of specific content with views page

I want to create a views for overriding the node page for specific content. For example, when I click the link of a node in a list page, by default , it will go to the node page (e.g node/1), but I want to display a views page, so I can customize the views by views... read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

Display batch operations messages

I have defined a batch, everything works ok, but I want to understand how the messages are displayed. So I have this batch: $batch = array( ‘title’ => t(‘Generate reports’), ‘operations’ => array(... read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

How can I return literal JSON from a node as a JSON object in views json?

I have a content type with a field called output. This field will contain JSON. I want to output this field as JSON using Views JSON (in Views Datasource). The problem I’m encountering is views datasource is a. wrapping my field in quotes, and b. escaping my... read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

create link to download file

I’m adapting a drupal module to my need. It permit to upload a pdf to insert it into a node add form in an iframe to display the file. I’ve need also to insert a link to download the previous uploaded file. I’ve read and try thousand of guide and... read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

Gmap not displaying

I have Gmap and Location module. I have created a content type and also added a field location with term reference(Taxonomy term). I have just added a content and selected one location. But I can’t see the google map in the content. I have created taxonomy term... read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

Custom Image Background in Block

I tried Dynamic background module but it seems it’s not what I am looking for. Is there such a module that will allow me to change the background for a certain pages or group of pages that works the same like block? Like in Block, I can select which pages this... read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

Can I use plupload to load multiple image files into a single image field

I have an image file field on my Drupal 7 site that allows users to add 4 images. I would like to give my users the ability to load all 4 images at once. I have discovered the plupload module and plup library which should be able to let me do this. However, I have yet... read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

Why does simpletest report a missing schema for my Drupal 8 module?

My module is working as expected with the following settings, config and config export. But when I try to run tests, I get the following error. I’m not sure what is wrong. DrupalCoreConfigSchemaSchemaIncompleteException: Schema errors for riddler.settings with... read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

How to import a Google calendar so that it can be styled?

I am wondering if anyone has any ideas regarding solutions for a custom/styled Google Calendar embed on a Drupal Website. I have a client that would like their events updated via Google calendar but is displeased with the look of Google Calendar. I have tried tons of... read more
How do I make a carousel with an highlighted node and thumbnails to the left and right?

How do I make a carousel with an highlighted node and thumbnails to the left and right?

I’d like to make a carousel exactly like the picture below: six thumbnail nodes on the left, one highlighted node in the middle and six thumbnail nodes on the right; when users click on the controls, the next set of nodes shows up. I guess it would be possible... read more
JCarousel Views – Multiple Rows

JCarousel Views – Multiple Rows

My problem is related to Drupal and the use of the JCarousel module for my views. I’m having a few problems with this, namely in getting a jcarousel like view style but with 2 rows instead of one. With the following jcarousel-view.tpl.php in my theme folder, I... read more
hook_inline_entity_form_table_fields_alter add custom field

Order total field, transactions and balance

In drupal commerce, using the commerce payment payment module, I would like to display the amount paid and order balance in paid order like on the example below. Subtotal ————- 20 TAX ——————— 3 Total... read more