Redirect to anchor after form validation

Redirect to anchor after form validation

I am trying to redirect users to the anchor of the error form field after form validation. In the form I set the form validation handler with the following code. $form[‘#validate’] = ‘my_form_validate’; In the validation handler, if the form... read more
Redirect to anchor after form validation

Is there a real-time inline field validation module? [closed]

Currently I’m using the Clientside Validation module for field validation, but I want to have per field real-time validation, like a check thingy showing if it’s correct or a small inline error when there’s an error in there. I searched a bit and I... read more
Redirect to anchor after form validation

Accessing content for a specific node revision via a relationship in Views

A module I’ve written implements hooks defined by the Field API to provide a custom field for defining references to specific node revisions by storing vids. (The module borrows functionality from the Entity Reference, Node Reference and Node Revision Reference... read more
Redirect to anchor after form validation

views header (contextual) filter

I have a node type news with a taxonomy reference (news categories). And I have a view for the news. In this view I have a contextual filter by this categories. The category comes with the url. In this view I need a rendered entity (node type “views... read more
Redirect to anchor after form validation

How to remove markup from file field

I have added a file field in views and when displaying it has some markup like this <div id=”file-218″ class=”file file-image file-image-jpeg contextual-links-region”> <a href=”#”> </a> <h2... read more
Table Pager Rendered in an Ajax Callback Shows White Page

Table Pager Rendered in an Ajax Callback Shows White Page

I have the callback function below that renders a table with a pager. Every page of the table is 20 rows. Below is the code: function myid_print_all_submitted_id_callback($form, &$form_state){ $table_html = ”; $rows = array(); // Build the sortable table... read more
Redirect to anchor after form validation

drupal_http_request() returns "Invalid JSON primitive"

I am developing a module for Drupal 7 which calls a remote API. I am using drupal_http_build_query(), drupal_http_request(), and drupal_json_decode(). My code is as follows $username = $form_state[‘input’][‘name’]; $password =... read more
Redirect to anchor after form validation

Ajaxly set Text Field Value with Drupal Forms API

I have a text field and a ajaxified link in my form: $form[‘id_number’] = array( ‘#title’ => t(‘ID Number’), ‘#type’ => ‘textfield’, //textfield ‘#suffix’ =>... read more
Redirect to anchor after form validation

How to link an image with a PDF?

Actually, I have a content type with 2 fields, image field (multiple) which will contain some pictures and an attachment field (accept only one file) which is file of type PDF. I have a view where I put my gallery and each picture opens in a colorbox. The PDF file... read more
Redirect to anchor after form validation

How to add javascript after form was validated with ajax callback?

I created a simple form. How could I add JavaScript commands after form was validated? Why is it so hard do this? $form[‘submit’] = array( ‘#type’ => ‘submit’, ‘#value’ => ‘submit’,... read more
Redirect to anchor after form validation

Change toolbar config to latest CKEditor toolbar groups

There is a ckeditor plugin that I really want to use (Line Height), but after looking at its .js file I can see that it is configured to work with the ckeditor config.toolbarGroups concepts, which configures the toolbar like so: CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function(... read more