ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

I have used form_alter to add a ajax callback to an element to my form. When the user chooses an option, it creates dropdown options for the other field. However, while this works fine for changing the form, it doesn’t actually save the value in the field when... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

Location taxonomy

I want to add a location to my products/articles in 2 different ways : -user enters a town (linked to a taxonomy) -> I know how to do it -user enters a county which is automaticly linked to a state (with taxonomy too) -> I don’t know which module do that... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

How do I add a custom field token to a default value?

I want to add node-field data into the web from block via tokes as with Webform 7.x-4.1 this should work. But tokens from custom fields are not available in a webform(block) ? [node:title] and [node:author] work but [node:field_mycustumfield] or... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

Facets with default

Anybody know how to set a default facet value? I have facets set up and working using facet_api blocks alongside a view in a panel. Is there a (hopefully easy) way to set one of the facets have a value selected by default on an initial page render? //fyi Drupal 7.... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

Is there any way to make Commerce Customer Profile save/store data in a predictable manner?

Heres the thing. We have a customer profile of type ‘Delivery’ which contains a delivery address for an order. It also has other non-addressfield data like driver route, delivery day (M-F, day of week), default product (recurring order kit), and delivery... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

Retrieve a list of values from a lookup table using db_select

I have a “jobs” table where each job can have multiple specialties. So I have a specialties table with a list of all available specialties and I have a lookup table that just has a job_number and a specialty_code in it so each job can be attached to... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

EntityFieldQuery: number of field values as condition

I have a node type which has a field that can contain an unlimited amount of images. I want to retrieve a set of entities, but only entities that contain at least one image. So far this is my query: $result = $query->entityCondition(‘entity_type’,... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

Why my query string generates page not found for my view?

In Drupal 7 I’m using a view export to download information for my orders. If i go to the default url /admin/commerce/orders then the page downloads correctly. However, I also have some filters so I can download only the orders I need, this passes a query string... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

Title encoding to display correctly foreign characters

In my html.tpl.php file in the <head> tag I display the page title as follows: <title><?php print $head_title; ?></title> This displays the foreign characters not correctly when watching the pages in the browser. I tried to add the <meta... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

How to validate deletion of custom entity?

I’m making decently complex system, where many entities are referencing each other, and I don’t want to allow any broken references. That is why I would like to implement validation at entity deletion, but where should I actually put it? I know... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

URL rewrite of localisation with nginx

I’m having trouble with changing the url of a drupal localisation. All urls are clean, but contain a non-clean localisation part; ?q=”language”, e.g. ?q=de, ?q=fr. The site runs on nginx + mysql + php5. I want to change this to either... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

How do you check if table is empty before resetting the auto increment?

I have a database table that a user can add to and remove data from within my drupal module. What I would like to do is automatically check to see if the table is completely empty after every delete, in which case I would like to run an “ALTER TABLE” to... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

Add all the fields to view automatically in csv export

I am using entity registration module for node registration.Now i wants to export the registrants. I am using view export module to export registrants list. Its working fine But as the registration fields is different per node i can not add a fix number of field to... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

Reset a page with multiple exposed filters

I have a view page which is the main page on my website. It is kind of a search using exposed filters. As I have many exposed filters I installed the module MEFIBS which allows me to split the exposed form into multiple blocks that you can place in different areas. I... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

Add CSS class to <form> element using webform and template file

I have an existing webform in Drupal 7 which I am trying to theme. So far I managed to add CSS classes, placeholders, prefix, suffix,.. to form elements (fields) but not to the actual <form>-tag? I tried this:... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

How to set a default value for Simple hierarchical select?

I tried to implement hook_form_alter in order to pass default value to Simple hierarhical select views exposed filter. function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { $tid = get_tid_from_termalias (arg(1)); // here I get tid... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

Reply for comment redirects to the next page

I am using advance forum module and having commenting functionality for the forums. But the problem is when I use to reply to the comments it redirects me to the next page. Where I want to display a comment form exactly below to the comment to which I am replying.... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

HTML Form that Passes Information to Hidden Fields Through URL

I am trying to build an html form that is stretched across several pages. My intention is to use the GET method to send all of the fields data in the query string (URL parameters) and then store this data in hidden fields on the next page. I need to know how to append... read more
Social Field Module: Icons not showing up in options

Social Field Module: Icons not showing up in options

Trying to use Social Field Module for general user Profile. Followed through module text but no icons appear to show up for the module in either the Field itself or from an End-user logged in perspective. Installed Font Icon Module also. Anyone any ideas why this is?... read more
ajax modified form drop down doesn’t save

Variables in templates don’t use the language key [closed]

I have a multilingual website using Drupal 7. I installed the i18n modules (entity translation, etc). In templates, I use variables like $vars[‘und’]. I think Drupal ran updates. Now the template system uses $var without the language as key. I think I... read more