Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

Been trying to add placeholder text for my link fields. Using hook_form_alter to add the attributes. It works fine with text fields $form[‘field_first_name’][‘und’][0][‘value’][‘#attributes’][‘placeholder’] =... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

Views Count with multiple fields

I have 2 fields that each can have multiple values. I want to count the number of values for a given content type (Actions). Using aggregation everything works fine when the display/view has one field but when I add subsequent fields the results do not come close to... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

Importing large datasets via HTTP

I’m having trouble importing a very large dataset with feeds. It’s about 8mb of text in XML format. It imports impossibly slow (I started it about a month ago and it’s still not finished). However, if I run the exact same importer with the same file... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

Alternate node/add page

I would like to create an alternate node/add page, which can be accessed by a url path, so that I can have an alternate add node page for users while admins can see a different add node page. This are my current selection rules: This panel will be selected if Current... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

Insert values into a node fields with entity wrapper

I’ve tried to use entity wrapper to create a new node and insert the values into the fields, but I get an error. <?php $values_entity = array( ‘type’ => ‘anuncio’, ‘uid’ => $userid, ‘status’ => 1,... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

How to configure gmap in template file

I override node display for content type Match Fixtures by creating node–match-fixtures.tpl.php file and put code below: <?php $location = $content[‘field_stadium’][0][‘#locations’]; $stadium_map = array(‘id’ =>... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

How can I add form elements in custom form on click of link?

I want to add form elements inside my custom form when some body clicks on the link outside the form. Links are like : Add textfield Add selectlist When user click on any link it via ajax add an element to the form. I just want and idea whether it is possible or not... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

Adding workflow to custom content types

I am trying to assign a workflow to my custom content type, but i can’t find the option to get this working. Is it a bug or maybe just not part of the workflow module? read more
Retrieve File Url from Upload Form When Form is submitted

Retrieve File Url from Upload Form When Form is submitted

I have the following code in my form. function video_subtitles_menu() { //print “video_subtitles_menu 1”;exit; $items = array(); $items[‘video_subtitles_test/upload’] = array( //this creates a URL that will call this form at... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

Value from ajaxified form field not passed to ajax callback

This is a continuation of this issue, where I couldn’t get the ajax to fire on an entity reference field in a node edit form. With the following code, I’m able to get the ajax to fire. /** * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() */ function... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

How really flush cache in D7?

EDIT My problem is that i have a module on a D6 website that should get some data from another website (a D7) but thoses data are old ones that should not exist. The D7 site have a Forum. The last topics of the forum are set in a page with no theme : function... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

problems with entity translation insert hook

I’m using the entity_translation_insert() hook to set the value of a field when a node is translated. I can successfully edit the $entity from within the implementation, but how should I save the resulting node? I can’t call node_save because it would... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

SearchApiException while retrieving config files of Solr server solr_server server

SearchAPI in Drupal7 with Apache Solr on Jetty was working ok in Windows, however when I moved the installation to Linux, I’m getting this exception in Drupal log: SearchApiException while retrieving config files of Solr server solr_server server:... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

Making jCarousel view responsive

Using the example on [this][1] page, I have the following jQuery code: (function ($) { Drupal.behaviors.gsdOmega4ExampleBehavior = { attach: function (context, settings) { var jcarousel = $(‘.home-jcarousel’); console.log(‘executed’);... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

Extracting UID information from a URL and sending email to this user

As a beginner, I would be grateful if this community could help me out to solve the following problem, by giving me some pointers. This is the scenario I would like to implement in Drupal (I guess I need to create my own module): A user (“U1”) enters a URL which looks... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

How can I change a file field description?

How can I change the file field description without altering a module file? The function I would like to modify is theme_file_upload_help(). read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

ckeditor in not showing up on one of my drupal site content type

I have installed ckeditor in my Drupal 7 site. It works well on all content types except one. Actually, on one of my content type it doesn’t show on Body field when I write content. But when I open that field in structure then I can see ck editor here. I googled... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

Is it possible to resize image before saving it with media module?

I am building a site using Drupal 7, in which users can upload content in a form, also images. The images will be uploaded and stored with the Media module version 7.x-2.x-dev. I want to allow users to upload any image up to 10 MB of size. But, I don’t want to... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

Set node to flagged by default

I’m using flags on my site as a way of filtering content through views, when a user views a certain node content type, I have a rule setup which resets the value of my flag and sets it against that user for that node, the views will reference this information... read more
Is it to possible add placeholder text for link fields?

How to adjust weight of profile 2 fields

I added some fields to the default user registration form. I then installed the Profile 2 Module through which I added three (3) fields- “first name”, “surname” and “place of work”. Is there a way to make the first name and surname... read more