Add inline widget to product display

Add inline widget to product display

I am trying to integrate our Drupal 7 Commerce install with Digital River’s where-to-buy widget. All I need to do is add a little JS to the product page, with a script variable set to the product sku. On page load, this inline JS runs and adds a button that when... read more
Add inline widget to product display

How do I preserve GIF animation with the image field and image styles? [closed]

Currently, when I upload animated GIFs to image fields, image styles breaks the animation as part of the crop/resize sequence. I’d love to be able to preserve animation while also taking advantage of image styles. Is there a way to achieve this? read more
Add inline widget to product display

Filter a view basing on current user’s roles

Using Drupal 7, Views 3 and the Node Reference module, I’m using a view to populate a node reference field on a custom content type. (So it’s a view of “Reference” display type.) I want to filter this view to show (and allow users to select)... read more
Add inline widget to product display

redirect index.php?var1=aaa&var2=bbb

I just moved a website to drupal 7 and I have problems with the redirects. The old website had all urls like this: (where aaa and bbb changed for the different pages) In the new Drupal website I use alias, so for example... read more
Add inline widget to product display

View field with JavaScript code in it

I have content type which has text field. Each node has its own javascript code which is set in to the text field. Text field is PHP Code format. When I add this field to Views block site load ONLY the javascript in that text field. Whole other drupal content is not... read more
Add inline widget to product display

Display user list with number of comments and forum posts

I want to create blocks to display a list of all users with their number of comments and number of post on forum. In SQL, something like that : SELECT as user, COUNT( n1.nid ) as ‘number of post’, COUNT( n2.nid ) as ‘number of comment’,... read more
Add inline widget to product display

print field in views row template

I try to make a custom view using templates. I need to print one certain field at the last row, after all other fields have been printed like so: –1st row field1 field2 –2nd row field1a field2a –last row myfield I can manage to display a custom field... read more
Add inline widget to product display

#states on exposed filter form

I have a #states on the exposed filter form as follow: If field_a == ‘b’ then field_b show, field_c hidden; else if field_a == ‘c’ then field_c show, field_b hidden; All fields here are Select list. The states is working fine, problem is the... read more
Add inline widget to product display

Error in executing drush command

I am trying to execute drush command from my project root directory and i am getting following error bootstrap a site that has not been installed or does not have a configured database. In this case you can select another site with a working database setup by... read more
Add inline widget to product display

problem using ajax callback in form

I have a very simple form that has a select box of the terms in a vocabulary, and renders the selected term below it. It seems that the first time I change the value in the select it renders the appropriate term, however every subsequent “change” event it... read more
Add inline widget to product display

How to set up Authcache module with Varnish and ESI?

I am trying to set up Drupal 7 with Authcache beta 2 and Varnish 3.0 but I can’t get the ESI blocks working. Varnish it self seems to work well. I am using the example.vcl from sites/all/modules/authcache/modules/authcache_varnish/ but on the Authcache ESI... read more
Can I add text to a form file upload field?

Can I add text to a form file upload field?

Is it possible to add text/markup to a file upload field similar to the image below? I thought that something like $form[‘actions’][‘edit-field-upload’][‘#prefix’] = ‘First’; in a hook_form_alter would work, but... read more
Add inline widget to product display

How can I theme individual fields?

I have views of ubercart products which are displayed in a table by standard drupal view standards. How can i theme individual product fields ? views-view-field.tpl is having the complete product listed inside $output variable.. I want to solve this in a template file... read more
Add inline widget to product display

Entity reference of a menu link gives Restricted access instead of the real data

I am trying to create an entity reference of a “menu link”, but instead of having the menu link name I got “- Restricted access -“. It seems to be the same problem with wysiwyg profile. I’m using the last version of entity reference... read more
Add inline widget to product display

Push Items to Array using drupal_add_js

I’m using this code in a for loop to push items to an array but it doesn’t add to the array, just overwrites it each time I think: drupal_add_js(array(‘THINGS’ => array(‘ONE’ => array(‘VAR’ => $var_one),... read more
Calender System module and webform

Calender System module and webform

Does “Calender System” only works with “content types ” ? The date popup options does not show while adding a “date” type field in to a webform node . read more
Add inline widget to product display

Add css-class based on productpages’ top level taxonomy term

So I have a website (created with drupal 7) where each product is linked to a taxonomyterms. This was done so that all products can easily be divided into several different categories. So I have a taxonomy that looks somewhat like this: Top level item 01 Level 2 item... read more
Add inline widget to product display

Creating dynamic pages for content-type/taxonomy-term

I have two content types: news review I have a taxonomy vocabulary attached to them with following terms tech entertainment other (More may come) I need to have a listing of these contents in following format: tech/news (or news/tech) tech/reviews (or reviews/tech)... read more
Is there a way to load content of each tab in the view using AJAX?

Is there a way to load content of each tab in the view using AJAX?

I’ve created View to display my content and I’m using Quicktabs module to format the output of this view into the tabs. Is there a way to load content of each tab in the view using AJAX? I can’t see any... read more
Add inline widget to product display

create a custom field schema

When I create a new field programmatically, drupal create a default schema for my being added and for each new field added is create a new database schema. I noticed that the columns always have the same structure except for the last column... read more