Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

I work on localhost and in the evening I migrate the database, default/files folder, sites/all folder to the production site and restore the site database backup using drush sqlq command. But on restore the Garland(sub-themed one) on one D6 site breaks. So I’d... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

Is it possible that these modules conflict with each other?

I have a view set up with the format Views Accordion. I have installed the module draggable views so that I can order each node as I like whenever I add a new node to the view. I’m finding that the sort version of this view display isn’t rendering the drag... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

Can Apache Solr Search allow a user to search ‘within’ current results?

I’m looking for a way to allow a user to search ‘within’ current Solr search results (not search api solr results). Is there existing functionality that provides this? If I need to implement a module to do so, so be it; recommendations for what hooks... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

Taxonomy jump list in view in parent/child order

I have a taxonomy vocabulary of universities with their parent states. I then added this taxonomy field to the user profile so I could indicate what university the person was from. I’m trying to get this taxonomy vocabulary to display in an jump menu in a view... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

Domain Access Login Redirect for main domain and subdomain

I have created three sites namely,, using domain access. Here is the main site which can create n number of subdomains. I want to redirect the admin of to the dashboard and the other two... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

Implementing custom entity forms

In Making use of the admin UI, Step 3 – Implement the entity adding/editing form, it says that you need to implement “a” form with the ENTITY_TYPE_form() signature for add/edit/clone operations… However the wiki page is not specific in regards... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

How do I add images in pager for views nivo slider?

I am using Views Nivo Slider for displaying a slideshow of banner images on my site. And i wish to show the pager in the form of images. I tried using Image pager in views slideshow and it worked there. But there are no settings specific to adding an image preset for... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

Drupal and node.js configuration

I have a problem with Nodejs and Rules action with node.js modules First, I have installed node.js on my server following the README.txt instructions and then configured the node.config.js file as the sample file and had no problem connecting Drupal with node.js. But... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

Checking Available Update data – AJAX error

I’m having problems with a local site that I imported to Acquia Dev desktop from one of my live sites. Everytime I try to Check for Available Update data, I get an Ajax error Error Checking Update Data Please Continue to error page An AJAX HTTP request... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

EntityFieldQuery with Workflow

I need to filter an EntityFieldQuery with a given workflow state, let’s say workflow it is state 21 (sid = 21). Below, the query I am using $query_formularios_completos = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query_formularios_completos... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

Call to undefined function menu_load() in …/public_html/includes/ on line 579

I really need your help. Actually, my journey begin with the installation Drupal and some modules. After a couple of days I suddenly get an issue “500 Internal Server Error”. I asked my hosting provider why this happened, they said “That because of... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

How do I insert a user picture’s thumbnail on the "Submitted by" field?

I want to insert user picture’s thumbnail on “Submitted by” field, which is displayed in teaser such as the following. Submitted by [some_user] [someuser picture’s thumbnail] on xx/xx/xx How do I do that as effortless as possible? read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

How to filter taxonomy term in views from URL

I am working on a travel website, and I made taxonomy with depth continent/country/city. I also have taxonomy locations restaurants, museums, nightlife… I have content types destinations and locations. I made a view from location content (all restaurants) I... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

Additional Configuration to disable anonymous session cookies?

I am running a clean install of Pressflow 6.28. I have set the following configurations: Cache Mode: Normal; Min Cache Lifetime: 5 minutes; Page Cache Max Age: 1 day; I have installed no contributed modules and have disabled all optional modules that ship with... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

How to remove "catalog" from Ubercart Catalog View URL

I need to remove the word “catalog” from the URL when viewing a category of products. I am using the stock uc_catalog view. Its Page (Table) display has a URL of “/_catalog”. What can I change so that the word catalog will be completely... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

Is it possible to set Cookie Session ID from a REST Service?

I have overridden Drupal’s login process by calling a REST API which returns a ‘true’ or a ‘false’ depending on whether the login was successful or not. Once successful, I’m logging the user in by using a particular Drupal user... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

How to make private (hidden) node path aliases?

The site (Drupal 7) has regular nodes that are publicly visible via standard node alias (node/<nid>). I need to be able to create hidden (private) node aliases that are random (e.g., node/9s8d0a8z9d) which will allow the person who has the URL to access the... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

Permission rebuild fail

My Drupal 7 site is upgraded from Drupal 6. When I install the Domain Access (not installed with Drupal 6) module, I need to rebuild permissions. I tried rebuilding them from the administrative pages, but it fails; I tried doing it with Drush, but it failed again.... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

Login page when using a Zen’s sub theme

I’ve created a website based on a Drupal 7 Zen subtheme and now I would like to create a login page for the administrator. When I navigate to, I return to the main page as specified in the page.tpl.php file. I would like to have a... read more
Rebuilding of Garland theme on database migration

How to calculate the average ratings for the post when the user submits 3 field ratings?

I need to implement ratings in my site. I have user five star rating and voting API module, I created a content_type with “beach”, and created some field in the manage field settings, name, id, etc. And also I configured the five star module with tags like... read more