Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

I’m working on a project where we want to pull in the title, description, and an image from selected taxonomy terms and include them in content of a predetermined content type. The content type is already displaying the Term with a link, but I want to display... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

Pagination for Views RSS

I’m using Views RSS module to generate a custom RSS feed. I want to be able to limit the results by adding ?offset=50&limit=50 . How could I achieve that? Is there any Views plugin I could use? Thanks read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

How i can add new fancybox-style (theme) for display uploaded image in WYSIWYG / CKEditor with Media module?

When I upload new image with Media Browser (WYSIWYG + CKEditor + Media), I see themes: original, small, large… How i can add my own template to this list for fancybox? <a href=”full.jpg”><img src=”preview.jpg” /></a>... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

receiving incorrect url from amazon s3 module

I am using drupal 7. I have installed amazon s3 module and its dependencies. I have created a bucket for saving my files on amazon server. Everything went good.. But when i try to get the path for the file it looks like this read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

Node is not created, but nid is returned

I have this code in my module. $node = new stdClass(); $node->title = “YOUR TITLE”; $node->type = “page”; node_object_prepare($node); $node->language = ‘it’; $node->uid = 1; $node->status = 1; $node->promote = 0;... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

Assign textfield to each checked option in a checkboxes field

Lets say I have a checkboxes field and when I check one of the options, I would like a textfield to appear so I can assign a number (quantity) to it. Every option I check would have its own textfield. For example, I have a “Fruits” field and I want to be... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

Get field_collection values in field template

I have installed field_collection and have a collection called field_contact, each entry of which has a field called field_contact_url I’m trying to customise the display of that field by overriding the view template, using the file... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

How to make relationships between users

I have the quiz module installed on my website. I have setup two user roles on my site, Student and Parents. I want to make a view that shows the results of a parents children. Now I have made two fields in the registration using the profile module. The number of... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

different form state redirects in a hook_form_alter

i have the code in template.php: THEMENAME_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { if ($form_id == ‘answer_node_form’ && !isset($form[‘nid’][‘#value’])) { //dpm($form); // redirect after we created a new node... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

Adding value to multi-delta textfield programmatically

I have a phone field in a form, which is just a textfield with its default widget. I’m trying (and failing) to add values to this field programmatically through ajax calls. I have an ajax call elsewhere on the form, the purpose of which is to add several values... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

How to get taxonomy translated when creating a new node in a different language than the interfaces?

Configuration: I set up a multilingual site with Multilingual support: Enabled, with translation so I’m creating a new node for each language. The taxonomy term is set up with the Translation mode: Translate, so I have a new term for each language. Creating a... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

Views Grouping field:Add Ordered class to Grouping row

I use Views and Grouping field to integrate my data. But i need each grouping row ordered. I want to override the views-view-grouping.tpl.php, and change the “view-grouping” class to... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

Warning: uasort(): Array was modified by the user comparison function in FacetapiWidget->applySorts()

I’m trying to build my own sorting function implementing hook_facetapi_sort() and sorting the following data by weight. name, weight dog, -2 cat, 1 zebra, -5 dolphin, 3 bee, 5 The code I wrote so far is the following one. function zoo_facetapi_sort_animal(array... read more
How do I resolve missing content type references from uninstalled modules?

How do I resolve missing content type references from uninstalled modules?

In my previous setup of my site, I installed a bunch of modules and had them uninstalled. But now I have many orphaned or missing content types that still resides in the database somewhere. Below is what is displayed on the Field list page where its trying to... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

URL alias not working in Contextual filters using node reference field

I have a node reference field in views contextual filter and need to filter the list of contents. Url path in views like “node/%/foo ” working for me, but the node alias like “/alias/foo” not returning any results . Anyone please suggest for... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

When reimplementing Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.dropRow(), how do I access classes of would-be parent?

Using code below, I can access classes of a row that’s being dropped: Drupal.tableDrag.prototype._dropRow = Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.dropRow; Drupal.tableDrag.prototype.dropRow = function(event, self) { console.log(‘dropRow’);... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

Fielded Relation’s Field not showing in Views

I’m trying to implement a “rating” system with Relation module. I have a Relation Type defined from a user –> node. The Relation Type has an Integer field to hold the rating. I want to produce a view that shows the number of ratings and... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

CURDATE() return wrong result

I have write sql query in drupal looks like this. Let’s assume today’s date is 2013-07-24 and total of node is 4. $query = “SELECT COUNT(*) amount FROM {node} n LEFT JOIN {flagging} f ON n.nid = f.entity_id AND f.fid = ‘1’ LEFT JOIN... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

My page is in hook_admin_paths(), but doesn’t show admin theme

function mymodule_admin_paths() { $paths = array( ‘admin-dvr/*’ => TRUE, ); return $paths; } I have a module which generates a page and I want that page to be themed with the admin theme. I implemented the above hook so that when I browse to... read more
Include Full Taxonomy Term inside a Content Type?

Generically detecting changed fields in a custom form prior to saving a node

I’m adding certain fields from a content type into a custom form using field_attach_form(). When the form is submitted I’m processing those fields by calling field_attach_form_validate() and field_attach_submit() from #validate and #submit callbacks. At... read more