Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

I’m building a form for a modules configuration page. The last line of the form callback is the following: return system_settings_from($form); I want to add a textfield to the form, but I want to be able to enter multiple entires into the field using the same... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Show node body fields for entity reference checkboxes widget?

I need to show the body field of the nodes next to their checkboxes in an entity reference field widget (default is just their node titles). Is there a way to do that without writing a new widget? read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

How to populate a node reference field that has multiple values?

I’m using the rules to create a new node upon changing the current node publishing status to published. And populate some field based on the updated node field. Im trying to populate a node reference field in the new created node based on the node reference... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Retrieve contents from a JSON URL using cURL and display them in an HTML table

I am trying to display contents retrieved from an external URL using JSON (the cURL method). So i wrote the below function: function file_get_contents_curl() { //JSON URL which should be requested $gry_str = “?timezone=” .... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

How to add a javascript function after uploading file

I make a form using FAPI, and this form contains a file managed field. I want to show an alert after uploading the file (“uploaded successfully”), and a confirmation (“Are you sure you want to delete file”) when deleting the file. This my code.... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Description field has no text format

The Feed module successfully imports a RSS feed. However the Description field does not display. I can only see it if I click on “Edit”. The problem is that the feed-items do not have a text format. How can I give the Description field a default text... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Generate unique ID in hook_redirect_form

I’m trying to write custom payment method for a custom bank gateway (off-site method). bank service expect me to send unique ID for each pay request per bpPayRequest() call. currently I sending $order->order_id, but its wrong because: if first request fails... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

OpenLayers default zoom level

I have a map setup with Openlayers and mapbox. I need to set the default zoom level to be in-between 1 and 2. So something like 1.5, as 2 is too zoomed in and 1 is too zoomed out. I have entered different values under ‘zoom level’ within ‘center... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Create a simpletest test to add additional form elements using the "Add another item" button

I am trying to create a test case for my custom module using simpletest in Drupal7. I want to create a node. The problem is that the node edit form contains a number of fields which can have multiple values. Addition values are added by clicking on the “Add... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Content region not visible in blocks setup page in Sky Adaptive Theme

I checked the ‘content’ region, being one of the prerequisite regions and it is present and referenced in the file as well as in the page.tpl.php. That is: (in file) regions[content] = Main content (in page.tpl.php file) <div... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Pre-process drupal_goto or use hook_exit to stop redirect

I want to unit test some drupal custom modules but the drupal_goto() function is causing problems by creating header errors (e.g.: PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie). My question is, is it possible to stop the drupal_goto() function from... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Pricing changes based on line item fields in the add to cart form

I’ve been using commerce_custom_product to add custom line items options to products I’m selling in the shop. The shop is selling servers and if someone when adding a server to their cart wants a bigger hard drive for instance they select it in the... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Content for textgroup views is not allowed for translation because of its text format

I have this problem with a view’s header. I am allowed to enter a translation but the translated text is not rendered when the view is displayed in that language. I have the following warning in the Views interface. content for textgroup views is not allowed for... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Taxonomy term node count with depth

I want to achieve the following term listing: clothing (17) dresses (2) skirts (3) tops (12) accessories (5) bags (1) jewelery (4) necklaces (2) rings (2) Is this possible with views? I know you can use the “Taxonomy Term: Content with term” relationship,... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Date with an option for end date being either a date or "ongoing"

I have a content type that contains relevant information of a project. It should hold the projects start date and the end date OR the status “ongoing”. How do I make this happen? With the date field type I can only specify the starting and ending... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

How to display nodes based on the taxonomy terms of the current logged in user, with multiple vocabularies?

Say I have 3 taxonomy vocabularies: Products, Professions and Support Each vocabulary has 2 terms: Products -> product1, product2 Professions -> profession1, profession2 Support -> support1, support2 Users can be tagged with terms. User A is tagged with:... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Aggregation and grouping with dates and integers

I am using Views along with Highcharts Module. Here is my objective: I have some integers that are contained in nodes 3 different integer fields to be exact. These integers occur over a duration of time and are entered on various days. What I am trying to do is sum... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

What may cause Column not found (nid) in on clause?

I’m using Drupal 7.14 and Entity API and Reference 1.0-rc3. And I’m also using i18n, entityreference (not References) and field_sql_storage. I get this error when saving a node that has some custom fields using references. PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]:... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

The link of "Pdf version" on node page does not appear in chrome

I have installed the the print module on my drupal 7 site. I configured the the print module pdf settings. Now the link “pdf version” is displaying with each node on the content area at bottom. When I click on the link, it save the node in pdf format. But... read more
Multi-value form widget in a system settings form

Getting site-offline message when trying to drupal_bootstrap from command line

I’m trying to bootstrap drupal from a standalone PHP script at the command line from sites/all/modules/mymodule/mymodule.php. <?php chdir(‘/sandbox/mysite/’); require_once ‘./includes/’;... read more