I have a content type in Drupal 8 project that has image, name, info and body field as a default display, and image,name and information as a teaser display. I am able to display this content type with teaser view at the page, but right under that i would like to get the default display along with body field so i can create a bootstrap modal with that.
I am using hook_node_view in the module level to change the #view_mode of that render array to ‘full’ instead of ‘teaser’.
function team_bio_node_view(array &$build, DrupalCoreEntityEntityInterface $entity, DrupalCoreEntityDisplayEntityViewDisplayInterface $display, $view_mode) { if($entity->bundle() == 'about_us'){ if($view_mode == 'full'){ if($display->getComponent('field_team_bio')){ $build['full_view'] = $build['field_team_bio']; $build['full_view'][] = array( 'full_view' =>array( '0'=>array( '#view_mode'=>'full' ), '#weight'=>'103' ) ); kint($build); } } } }
i can display the content type right under teaser views, but i can’t change the view_mode to full. This is what i see when i kint($build):
Current contents have name like ‘0’,’1′,’2′,’3′,’4′, and they have the view mode that are ‘teaser’ but i dont how to pass ‘view_mode’ to ‘full’in render array, I am not sure if there is specific name for that or not. Trying this:
$build['full_view'][] = array( 'full_view' =>array( '0'=>array( '#view_mode'=>'full' )
didnt change the view_mode neither. So my question: What is the best way to change these view modes to full for the contents? Should I search these numeric keys in the array and pass them to another array then change view_mode like that? Or is there an easier way to approach the problem?
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